Defensive War on Islam is mostly due to others defending themselves from Islamic aggression or defense of one Islamic faction against another. A war is typically fought by a country or group of countries against an opposing country or group with the aim of achieving an objective through the use of force. There is rarely one single, clear cause of conflict and, ultimately, war. He’s sensitive to exceptions and regional particularities, and he’s candid about the paucity of data from certain areas and periods. The Sumerians won, it is recorded, and they: “carried away as spoils the weapons of Elam.” However, archaeology suggests that warfare was taking place much earlier in the Mesopotania/Egypt area, quite possibly as early as 10,000 BCE. Tribes killing their neighbors and burning their fields were now depriving the Romans of soldiers to conscript and produce to tax. Deb from Coppell, Texas on July 26, 2020: Well written, easy to understand, and great examples, Very clear, understandable and to the point, which can be challenging to some that write about History! How can human own parts of the universe? Answer: Although wars are typically fought between two or more armies, that is not always the case. Conflict and the Progress of Civilization from Primates to Robots, Morris advances the claim that war has made humanity safer and richer over the last 10,000 years. When a culminating point is passed, productive wars turn counterproductive and begin to splinter empires into smaller political units that are typically more impoverished and violent than their predecessors. However, most wars are fought with the intention of beating the enemy and effectively imposing peace on the victor's terms. After assimilation into the Roman Empire, however, the rival warlords of countless feuding tribes became subject to Roman taxes and laws. Racism can also be linked to nationalism, as can be seen in Hitler’s Germany. The Romans didn’t decrease violence because of benevolent motives; they did so out of self-interest. Taxes were a small price to pay for the peace and prosperity Rome provided. What we do know is that the first recorded war was between Sumer and Elam in Mesopotamia in 2700 BCE. The average person is now 20 times less likely to die a violent death than a human in the Stone Age. You are all right. War & Peace War, What Is It Good For? : Black Freedom Struggles and the U.S. Military from World War II to Iraq (The John Hope Franklin Series in African American History and Culture) [Boehm, Kimberley Phillips] on Thank for this website l research what l want for course work. Human beings have ego,some a bit higher and they want to dominate others and that's their way of showing they are more powerful.A sort of animalistic trait though.When this combines with materialistic needs (greed) wars happen. Thx I had to wright speech, I chose to Wright about war and this is probably the most helpful website by far, Extremely useful for story writing/worldbuilding purposes. WWETHEUNDERTAKERFAN on December 15, 2019: on December 08, 2019: why did the Nazis leader Hitler want to rule the world? This often takes the form of an invasion. Thank you very much. US troops on the move. This song attempts to portray the war as completely negative by focusing on everything that is lost during, or because of the war. Often wars are caused by one country's wish to take control of another country's wealth. When their sons go to fight. “In reality, the 10 scariest words are ‘There is no government, and I’m here to kill you.’”. The rise of professional armies using sophisticated war technologies gradually decreased the number of small-scale societies that could fight one another. Many darker possibilities, however, are also being modeled and considered by military strategists and analysts. Answer: In the modern age, people rarely think that war is good, but often they can see it as necessary. There isn’t always a trade-off between depth and breadth; some authors achieve both. While different religions fighting against each other can be a cause of war, different sects within a religion (for example, Protestant and Catholic, or Sunni and Shiite) battling against one another can also instigate war. Very helpful for my tutoring assignment! This info really helped me with my assignment! Thought war on terror started in Afghanistan. The earliest clear evidence of a human killed by a spear dates to roughly 100,000 years ago. They make a wasteland and call it peace!” He was articulating an objection to Morris’ thesis with dozens of parallels from different periods: From the standpoint of the conquered, war hardly seems to promote peace. Great information! Answer: The roots of the Napoleonic wars lie in the French Revolution. Apple(can't say real name) on November 11, 2018: I agree my techer had set a task to do and this was helpful in many ways, Thanks. As co-editor of the book, "Buddhist Warfare" he said that, "Buddhism differs in that the act of killing is less the focus than the 'intention' behind the killing" and "The first thing to remember is that people have a penchant for violence, it just so happens that every religion has people in it." Given the many potential causes for conflict, the list does not attempt to be exhaustive, but does intend to give the most common reasons. War has not only made us safer, but richer, too. In this view wars begin as a pursuit of markets for natural resources and for wealth. Keep up the good work. Thank you for the information. As the costs of conquering additional territories increase and the returns diminish, governments often struggle to raise the revenue to pay troops. A long temporal lens is essential to understanding Morris’ argument. Civil wars can also be sparked by separatist groups who want to form their own, independent country, or, as in the case of the American Civil War, states wanting to secede from a larger union. lol you helped a ton.thx to all the authors like you that provide us info that we have today. What is true is that periods of violent conflict can be followed by extended periods of peace. i think countries go to war only because lack of resorses, very helpful thank you so much .. i would like to read more. Following Plato and Aristotle, I posit spirit, appetite and reason as fundamental drives with distinct goals. Ohhh, war, I despise. Thomas Hobbes was less optimistic. One problem with such analysis is that it only applies over long timescales. But history professor Ian Morris also argues that war has made humanity safer and richer over the last 10,000 years. Many families lose loved ones in times of war. The causes of a war are usually numerous, and several reasons for a conflict can be intertwined in a complicated way. Controversy often revolves around those that think a particular conflict to be justified and those that don't. Operation Iraqi Freedom(2003) was not part of the War on Terror but was closure for Desert Storm(1991) after Saddam Hussein repeatedly defied U.N. sanctions. Just as he did in Why the West Rules—For Now, Morris breaks beyond the blinkered specialization so common in academia and advances an important thesis in an engaging and lucid style. this was kind of helpful but not that good. They would either be annexed to a larger unit after defeat, or they would form one preemptively to avoid defeat. I will be referring to this again thank you for your hard work. Fighting during war time is often deadly to civilians as well as to soldiers. A country might decide that it needs more land, either for living space, agricultural use, or other purposes. Huge new global markets emerged, and people became both richer and safer. Also, why do people choose to go to war instead of taking other peaceful measures to resolve conflict? It exists because humanity exists. Only through warfare has humanity been able to come together in larger societies and thus to enjoy security and riches. These internal rifts often turn into chasms that result in violent conflict between two or more opposing groups. Hi I'm a fifth grader and completely over 10 thank you. Funny how old the song is yet the lyrics fit the Iraq war to a perfectly. The Crusades actually fall under defensive wars. War is started because it exists. Most wars are not fought for reasons of security or material interests, but instead reflect a nation's spirit. These defensive wars can be especially controversial when they are launched preemptively, the argument essentially being that: “We are attacking them before they inevitably attack us.”. Continue reading for more information on each of these reasons for war. Darrell from Eugene Yes, war is good for absolutely nothing. Now, with two high-profile conflicts that have dragged in the West, the sector is once again being seen as a good bet – but for different reasons. Does government enhance or diminish the safety of the governed? ( or part of it anyways ) Thanks!! And yet an analyst must never give in to his or her emotions. On small timescales, counterexamples of wars driving spikes in violence abound. Islamic warring is now in the form of terrorism worldwide and can be categorized under several of the eight reasons for war that are mentioned; Economic Gain is a primary reason for Islamic warring along with Territorial Gain, both of which are claimed to be for the purpose of Religion as well as a form of Nationalism as Muslims strive for everyone to be under the same Islamic rule. Advertise with us. But it wasn’t long before fortified settlements began to succumb to newly developed siege tactics. I think this is really good for note taking in a history class. The technologies of war became more deadly and the planet grew more populous, so the death tolls were often enormous. This is very helpful in my holiday homework . War! Cicero’s claim was conveniently aligned with the interests of the Roman elite, and it prefigures the self-justifications of many later conquerors. While Buddhism is less associated with religious warfare than both polytheistic and monotheistic religions, some exceptions exist such as in southern Thailand where the killing of a Buddhist monk is considered such a sacrilege as to prompt a furious call for immediate killing of the murderer. Wars, even the most ruinous wars, have heroes, those often of low station who sacrifice out of proportion to how the society has treated them. This article really helped me a lot it was just something I was looking for and I think this could help a lot of other students to that need help with the subject.War is started because it exists. Most military groups have traditions, customs, special dress and awards that provide soldiers with recognition within a wider cultural framework. This was not quite how things appeared to the Caledonian chieftain Calgacus before he fought the invading Roman army in AD 83. Partisan and guerrilla forces can engage in warfare too, without necessarily belonging to a regular army. Answer: It depends on the political system that the leader operates in, but in most cases, the answer is yes. Hobbes lacked the data of archaeology and anthropology to inform his theories about the dangerous nature of pre-state existence. Within the younger generation Induction, then destruction Who wants to die? Absolutely (nothin') Say it, say it, say it (War) Woah-h'uh (h'uh) yeah uh (What is it good for?) In the article below, I'll provide a general overview of the eight main reasons for war. precious materials such as gold and silver, or livestock such as cattle and horses. What Is It Good For? Optimists see robotic and cyber warfare largely supplanting human conflict. The invention of farming was the initial cause of wars that created peace. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, "war" is defined as. "War" is a counterculture era soul song written by Norman Whitfield and Barrett Strong for the Motown label in 1969. It's difficult to know exactly what Napoleon's original intentions were, but eventually, the wars became a struggle to be the dominant power in Europe. Wars have been a part of human history for thousands of years, and have become increasingly destructive as industrialization and technology have advanced. Because it means destruction. But the percentage of humans who died a violent death continued to drop from the Stone Age rate of 10 to 15 percent. The horror of war is a reality I have experienced firsthand. They can lie dormant for decades, only to re-emerge in a flash at a later date. No other beings that we know of kill their own kind like we do, and its because of having intelligence, souls, and opinions. It was re-recorded by Motown soul singer Edwin Starr and released as a single in 1970. ginger lives don't matter on December 06, 2018: This will help me get back into harvard which I lost my scholarship to when I called a ginger a cheezit and she got me expelled from my high school, Thanks for the info i have a test about it tomorrow, this website is a very good source for my project im doing at school thank you. The prospect that China, India, Russia, and America might replay the power struggles of World War I with potent biological and nuclear weapons is terrifying. Absolutely nothing War It ain't nothing but a heartbreaker War Friend only to the undertaker War is the enemy of all mankind The thought of war it just blows my mind Handed down from generation to generation Induction, destruction, who wants to die? That is my question here. War on Terror - Began in Afghanistan (2001) A commom mistake. War what is it good for on December 04, 2019: why do we war wow so mean to people who don't want to war. While WAR is not as complicated as some might think, it does require a good bit of information to calculate and understand. Thinkers have long grappled with the relationships among peace, war and strength. this article is stupid and not helpful at all, thanks a lot for the information hope it will help us, why are people commenting and why are half of them under 10. why the hell are all the comments written by fourth graders? After Kipling, European men analyzing how incorporation into a larger political unit affects rates of violence risk being seriously misunderstood. The core argument of ‘War: What is it Good For?’ is that over the very long term (thousands of years) war has brought about the creation of larger and more organised societies that have been increasingly good at suppressing internal violence, the paradoxical result being that war has progressively decreased the likelihood of people dying violently. Question: Why is war considered a controversial issue? If the source of a conflict doesn't go away, however, there is every possibility that the conflict will erupt again, violently or otherwise. Absolutely nothing Say it again, war What is it good for? So the Indians fought for survival while the aggressor fought for economic gain, along with egocentric ideas regarding religion and culture. Historically, revenge has been a factor in many European wars. thanks so much! If another global war does occur, they argue, symbolic skirmishes between machines would involve humans only as spectators and remote strategists. Example B.? Religious conflicts often have very deep roots. What are the consecuences negativos in the war, Wow this is very nice. Before the restraining effects of governments, he argued, we lived in “continual fear and danger of violent death.” The intellectual descendants of Hobbes and Rousseau tend to regard government as either a cure for or a cause of violence. U.K.-born Paul has worked as a librarian and bookseller since graduating from university. I like your writing and it helped me a lot thank you very much. Adolf Hitler went to war with Russia partly because the Russians (and eastern Europeans in general) were seen as Slavs, or a group of people who the Nazis believed to be an inferior race. As for the Iraqi Conflict being a "defensive" war, it was just the theft of oil. As co-editor of the book, "Buddhist Warfare" he said that, "Buddhism differs in that the act of killing is less the focus than the 'intention' behind the killing" and "The first thing to remember is that people have a penchant for violence, it just so happens that every religion has people in it." The problem, as many an emperor could confirm, is that culminating points are easiest to identify in retrospect. While nomadic hunter-gatherers could simply migrate if they lost a violent conflict, agrarians were more invested in the crops and dwellings of a single location. The self-feeding loop switches from expansion to contraction, and this eventually creates the fractured and violent conditions necessary for a new series of productive wars. Ronald Reagan once joked that these are the 10 most terrifying words in the English language: “Hi, I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” Ian Morris, a professor of history and classics at Stanford, would modify Reagan’s remark. These occur when a large section of the population of a country revolts against the individual or group that rules the country because they are dissatisfied with their leadership. Morris, however, marshals a wide array of evidence from both disciplines to calculate a violent death rate of 10 to 15 percent in Stone Age societies. The mechanisms and developments that lead to war vary considerably, however, and are often complex, only understandable through the study and interpretation of human history. Each advance inspired tools and techniques that neutralized it. Read on for my 8 common causes for war. Thank you, this an a great source for an essay I am writing in my Honors World History class! I've referred back to this website several times already!! Related to nationalism is imperialism, which is built on the idea that conquering other countries is glorious and brings honor and esteem to the conqueror. To thousands of mothers eyes. Listen to me. Even enemy dogs were sliced in two. As long as opinions exist, there will always be conflict. African American soldiers fighting in the American Civil War. In pre-industrial times, the gains desired by a warring country might be precious materials such as gold and silver, or livestock such as cattle and horses. Revenge also relates to nationalism, as the people of a country which has been wronged are motivated to fight back by pride and spirit. was an anti-Vietnam War protest song, written by Norman Whitfield and recorded by Whitfield and the Temptations in 1969. Thanks! The mobilization for war provided the context for the kind of political will, government resources and human suffering that scientists drew on to expand medical knowledge. We seem to be gradually evolving into less violent creatures, but the deep history of conflict in our past should temper excessive optimism. this was really helpful thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! War! Ooh war, Good God (h'uh) y'all! But he shows that despite variations, the same process played out in ancient China, ancient Rome, ancient India, and the ancient Mesoamerican world. It is bloody, expensive, and decimates populations. War! Unfortunately, this can lead to an endless chain of retaliatory wars being set in motion which is very difficult to stop. Is it true that civil wars do not just happen but are preceded by multiple and varied signals? India is unhappily a hotbed of religious violence between Muslims and Hindus (whoever is in the minority but might also be increasing, the majority violently attacks; so too with Christians when they're the minority - and when they are the attackers, it must not only be noted what sect they belong to, but that they - like many Hindus and Muslims - don't all take seriously their master's teaching of 'Turn the other cheek' and 'Love your enemy as yourself' [plus the Golden Rule, as in all belief systems]. I have a lot to gain here. There are many historical examples of irregular fighters engaging in combat. From Aeon Essays online, article titled, "Monks with guns" by Michael Jerryson. For example the American Indians fought for food and water which required land. Morris sees the 500 years of European colonial expansion from 1415 to 1914 as the most productive sequence of wars in the history of humanity. Other factors can contribute too, such as unpopular wars with other countries. Nationalism in this context essentially means attempting to prove that your country is superior to another by violent subjugation. Agriculture supported larger populations and gave them more goods to fight over. This logic is sound only if small political units and tribes really did suffer from high rates of violent death. Cyber warfare is also on the rise. Each power supports the side which best suits their logistical, military, and economic interests. Many people see a great deal of evidence to support this myth. Proxy wars were particularly common during the Cold War. why war is going on in Afghanistan;how can we finish war in Afghanistan and why NATO forces cannot end Afghanistan's war. Morris thinks this question is an empirical one, and his new book proposes an answer that he finds astonishing. In the modern world, where military aggression is more widely questioned, countries will often argue that they are fighting in a purely defensive capacity against an aggressor, or potential aggressor, and that their war is therefore a “just” war. It appears to me that to classify a war as one type or another, one must evaluate objectives of both warring parties. Dr. Richard Ned Lebow, Professor of International Political Theory at the Department of War Studies, Kings College London, contends that while other causes of war may be present, nationalism, or spirit, is nearly always a factor. Rousseau maintained that humans are peaceful in their natural state; wars result from the corrupting influences of civilization. What Is It Good For? (What is it good for?) What Is It Good For? It is fair, because most defenders of the war claim that the Iraq War’s role as a preventive war is enough to justify it apart from any other reasons for the war. EGGS EGGS E DOUBLE G S EGGS on May 11, 2020: Your boi the writer (pls respond) on May 08, 2020: Hey guys I’m looking into writing a book about a space war but I’m sure exactly how to make it because I know that its sorta unrealistic that there would be some giant empire star wars style (no offense I love star wars) so I was wondering if there are any ideas for how a space war could erupt, yea this was kinda helpfull thanks, needs more info thou. However, in an area such as that, the Buddhists have been the minority and fear for their lives from militant Muslims. There were also numerous conflicts associated with the revolution and in an attempt to resolve these, Napoleon ended up fighting the other major European powers, especially the United Kingdom. Nice and easy.Psychology can answer this question a bit. Modern technology and other trends, such as asymmetric warfare have changed how wars are fought. A sustained campaign against an undesirable situation or activity. Human lives occur within smaller horizons. Kipling’s belief in the racial inferiority of non-Europeans motivated his faith in colonialism. Answer: War is a state of armed conflict between two or more countries or groups within a country. These are conflicts that are fought indirectly between opposing powers in a third country. Related to buffer zones are proxy wars. Some scientists believe that as the world’s population increases and basic resources become scarce, wars will be fought more often over fundamental essentials, such as water and food. Answer: Wars don't usually come out of nowhere. One of the more enduring myths in Western society is that wars are somehow good for the economy. A state of competition or hostility between different people or groups. Answer: Wars are usually destructive, causing loss of life and damage in many other ways. They typically (though not always) begin with some sort of dispute which then turns violent. The 19th-century military strategist Carl von Clausewitz coined the term “culminating point” to describe the moment at which the costs of continued military expansion outweigh the benefits. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. But, it does not have direct definitions. 3 When a war has several purposes, we can ask whether a particular reason is good enough by itself to justify the war. Nonviolent subjects were easier to rule and more likely to provide the revenue and manpower that would enable further conquest. War What is it good for? Revolutionary War is how Islam describes turning a nation that has been taken over by Muslims also take over the nation. War is good for making a point or trying to get change to happen like the American revolution or the Vietnam or Korea war. One of the most prevalent aggressors of war against others for over 1,400 years is missing. War means tears to thousands of mothers' eyes When their sons go out to fight and lose their lives I said [Hook] (War, huh) Good God y'all (What is it good for?) Paul K Francis from east coast,USA on August 24, 2018: I see a common thread of one wanting to have some kind of power over another running through the multiple reasons for war. An equally universal phenomenon is imperial overreaching by large states. What is it good for. THE GREAT SECRET The Classified World War II Disaster That Launched the War on Cancer By Jennet Conant. Revolutions can begin for a variety of reasons, including economic hardship amongst certain sections of the population or perceived injustices committed by the ruling group. this is really helpful I'm writing a book and wasn't too sure what a believable reason would be in order to start a war. Question: Is the purpose of all wars peace? This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. No human created the universe. The novels of authors like Chinua Achebe and Chris Abani might ultimately be better means of exploring them than a data-driven work of historical analysis. ÄBćdëfgJkłmñøpqrßtüvŵxŷż on June 24, 2020: I believe that almost all initiation of force in war has one objective in mind: Theft. A 6 WAR player might be worth between 5.0 and 7.0 WAR, but it is pretty safe to say they are at least an All-Star level player and potentially an MVP. Governments played an essential role in this process: “War made governments, and governments made peace.”. Most had no idea of the concept of owning land until the English introduced it. The English fought for resources, land, and economic gain. Conflict and the Progress of Civilization from Primates to Robots. While Buddhism is less associated with religious warfare than both polytheistic and monotheistic religions, some exceptions exist such as in southern Thailand where the killing of a Buddhist monk is considered such a sacrilege as to prompt a furious call for immediate killing of the murderer.