True Alpha. Scott continues to think Derek that hiding something. However, neither of them noticed the fact that there was a glowing red spiral painted on the roof, the Werewolf symbol for revenge. Theo finally reveals he's a Werewolf-Werecoyote chimera and not a true werewolf and the first chyimera to be ever created. He will do anything and everything to save the people he cares about. Dix ans plus tard, Scott est traîné de force par Stiles dans les bois, la nuit d'un meurtre sanglant de Laura Hale. This ritual consists of binding the soon-to-be Berserker to an altar with wolfsbane (though this may be used only when turning a Werewolf such as Scott McCall into a Berserker), placing the bones and skin of a bear on the potential Berserker and then finally placing the skull of the bear over their face. According to Scott, he feels the darkness every day, but when he feels overwhelmed by it, he looks to his friends for help in counteracting the effects. Scott assured him that he would be able to do so, and Derek smashed his phone to pieces to make sure it stuck. . Significant Kills Fortunately for the others, Argent was able to neutralize the mountain lion before it hurt anyone. The Beast's essence attempts to escape but Parrish, in Hellhound-mode, grabs him, allowing Scott to kill him for a final time with the sword-cane/pike. Scott did, however, take relief in the fact that he himself wasn't the killer and that he could go on the date with Allison without concern that his presence would put her in danger. ("117") However, Scott soon learned from Stiles that Garrison Myers had died of his wounds at the hospital and became so furious that he immediately returned to the Hale House to confront Derek. Scott was not at all bothered by this and assumed that it was because her family's constant moving all the time led to Allison having to stay back a year in school, which relieved Allison, who had been mocked at previous schools and had rumors spread about her as to why that was, such as a pregnancy or learning disability. Scott was afflicted with asthma from a young age, which only became more severe as he got older. Despite in mythology being immune to fire Berserkers are not able to withstand a claymore mine, though this could be due to the force of the blast. Chris Argent, Allison's father Chris Argent left Allison's a similar voicemail, which Melissa overheard and approached them about it for answers. Germanic Warriors Scott attacks the nurse, an alpha, and is saved by Derek.Derek and Scott bring Isaac to the Hale House Derek makes his tattoo show. In Heart Monitor, Scott had just finished grocery shopping for his family and was searching for his mother's car in the parking garage when suddenly, he realized he was being stalked by a shadowy figure. Isaac and Scott go to the hospital, While they are moving Jackson, Chris Argent shows up claiming he wants to help.Scott takes Jackson's body to a warehouse where Gerard is waiting for them. Scott demands to know how to beat Deucalion Scott warns Gerard's that if he lied, he'll be back to take away more that his pain. The next day at school, Scott struggled greatly to avoid Allison or Allison-adjacent (i.e. The Argents show up looking for Derek, Scott runs into Gerard in the station and complains that this wasn't the plan they'd agreed on. Scott used his claws to get the bullet out while Stiles slapped Derek in the face until he woke up. During the lacrosse game, Scott breaks his leg but it heals almost instantly. Alpha Form Stiles admonished him for the casual way Scott communicated this news before asking Scott why they even came to lacrosse practice, since they have "117 million" other, more important, problems, but they were both soon distracted by the presence of a new lacrosse player on the field. Scott, Allison, and Jackson were all stunned when Lydia then took her turn with perfect form, revealing that she had simply been playing dumb this whole time for Jackson's benefit. Once there, Scott and Stiles learned that Derek had awakened and was so confused and disoriented that he lost control of his transformation and ran away. When they saw a truancy officer driving around the parking lot, they were forced to make a decision and sped off away from the school. At a young age, Scott was afflicted with asthma, and it became worse as he got older. She took him to the garage, where there was an armory full of guns, knives, and other weapons. The adversity he has faced since being turned into a Werewolf has galvanized him into a better leader who has perfected the skills necessary to lead his pack. Info Explosives: As demonstrated by the sheriff, a berserker can not withstand the power of explosives. RELATED: Teen Wolf: Ranking Every Pack Scott and his pack […] She looks at Scott, who partially transforms in order to bite. Later Gerard stabs Scott in the gut and threatens his mother. Theo tells Scott that he needs his pack but the latter says it looks like he doesn't have one anymore. In Master Plan, After the game Scott and Isaac are going to track Stiles by scent, Scott gets a call from his mom telling him he needs to come see what's happening to Jackson right away. Gerard wants Scott to turn over Derek. In Galvanize, Scott uses his werewolf abilities to try and find a mass murderer on that's on the loose later Scott has dinner with Kira's family and unfortunately is attacked by William Barrow who kidnaps Kira and almost kills her. Scott wholeheartedly agreed with her and kissed her once again before letting her sneak back into her house. Once. He reveals that despite having survived the transformation, unlike the other chimeras considered as failure, he wasn't what the Dread Doctors ultimately wanted, adding that they all can't be True Alphas. Scott grabs a paralyzed Derek and forces him to give Gerard the bite, later Scott and Allison hold hands as they watch Jackson turn into a proper Werewolf. Upon entering the loft, Malia immediately noticed Scott's anxiety and asked him why his heart was beating so fast, but Peter, who was reading a book on the couch, claimed that Scott was just bad at introductions. Allison thinks that Jackson is a kanima and not a Werewolf because of his birth parents and offers to ask him about it. We don't have to be killers." Scott was born in 1994 to Rafael McCall, a Federal Bureau of Investigations special agent, and Melissa McCall, a nurse at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. Scott struggled greatly in controlling his lycanthropy during the first few months after he was turned, but with time and experience, he was able to find an anchor that allowed him to remain in human form on full moons and even supermoons without involuntarily transforming. He stands up again! Scott McCall. They then watched in awe as Derek awakened, broke open the bullet, dumped the wolfsbane onto the table, and burned it with a lighter. When Scott arrived at Derek's loft, he found Malia waiting outside for him, where she stated that since Lydia referred to Peter as "Satan in a V-neck," she figured Scott could use some back-up. He assumed that it was Allison's birthday, which she reluctantly confirmed before demanding that Scott keep it a secret; as it turned out, Allison was ashamed because she was turning seventeen a year earlier than the rest of the class. This has also made him a foil to characters such as Theo, who tries his best to bring out the inner darkness in those around him, believing that it will make them stronger, whereas Scott does the opposite, believing in others so strongly that they evolve into the best versions of themselves. She then pulled out her compound bow and showed it to him, revealing that she was a nationally-ranked archer but had quit when she lost interest. Scott finds Stiles drunk. Allison checked the time on her phone and looked concerned when she realized that the conference was already underway. He’s doused in gasoline and is holding a flare. The Berserker started tossing Scott around like a rag doll, but Scott wasn’t going to give up that easily. This unspecified bond allowed Hayden Romero who at the time was a Werewolf/Werejaguar Chimera to track and sense that the part-Berserker Chimera Noah Patrick was somewhat nearby and that he was dying. That, and not the pleas from best friend Stiles or girlfriend Kira, snapped Scott out of the berserker shell and turned him back into his strong, true alpha form. Scott and Stiles realize that the Doctors ressurected an old creature and they need their pack all back together and they start with Kira. Scott almost kills his friend but manages to control himself at the last second Allison believes that she can not trust and breaks up with him. , Scott and Liam bring the injured Surgeon to the animal clinic, where Deaton has just received what made Mason a genetic chimera: he absorbed his twin in the womb. Noticing Scott's alarm, Allison reassured Scott that her family weren't in a separatist group, her father was just a firearms dealer for local police stations. He began to fight but was soon outnumbered and was nearly killed by Malia until his true Beta, Liam, was able to bring his consciousness back into control. Scott goes search for VValerie but gets a text from Lydia that tells him to meet her there in the library. In school later, Scott was called by his mother, Melissa, who informed him of the fact that the Walcott family had been killed by an ax-murderer and that there was only one survivor, the youngest son named Sean Walcott. Scott's ability to see the good in everyone has allowed him to bring out the good in those around him as well, and the majority of those who join his pack become better people than they were before. Its also revealed when Theo and Hayden were looking for Noah , Scott carved the same symbol of his tattoo warning to Theo and The Dread Doctors to get his pack back all together again and more stronger. Scott McCall's Pack. Werewolf {{Scroll-1|content= In Creatures of the Night, Despite all the power he wields as a True Alpha, he is uncomfortable with flaunting his power over others, even to defend himself, due to the ways Alphas like Peter or Deucalion forced their wills upon him while he was a Beta. He gets a meeting with Liam, Stiles and Lydia and the former reveals Mason's theory. Killed By To make matters even stranger, Jackson continued to spy on the two while they were in the locker room, where Scott remarked that something "smelled like it was dying,", which seemed to be a hint to what Jackson was going through after being injured by Derek's wolfsbane-laced claws several days earlier. When Scott did as he was instructed, he found Sean, who had just attacked and eaten a Sheriff's deputy, in the middle of trying to eat his mother, Melissa, indicating that he was a kind of cannibalistic creature. He is captured, tortured, and sent by the Calaveras to an Aztec temple to search for Kate and Derek. Chris' first experience with Berserkers occurred a couple of years prior to the start of the series, when he was approached by a family who asked him for help in dealing with their teenage son, who managed to tap into the power of the Berserker creation ritual while he and his friends messed around with bear skins, causing him to viciously tear apart anyone upon who he came. By the time Chris was involved, the boy was no longer human, and according to Chris' story, it took three Hunters and all the ammo they had between them to take the boy down. Himself (as a willing sacrifice participant) (1st time)Theo Raeken (2nd time)Garrett Douglas (3nd time) Argent and his wife Victoria wasted no time suggesting that Scott's influence was corrupting their daughter, and Melissa became absolutely furious at the remark. her best friend Lydia Martin) people, which was made even harder when he found that his own best friend Stiles was still mad at him for the events on the night of the parent-teacher conference, during which Scott was too worried about Allison to save Sheriff Stilinski from the car that hit him. He is also a member of the McCall Family. Species. In Codominance,Scott along with Stiles are going to Shiprock, New Mexico to retrieve Kira and her mother, Liam appears and asks if he can help and Scott tells his Beta to do not do a thing until he's back. Student (Formerly)Veterinary TechnicianAlpha of the McCall PackCaptain of the Lacrosse Team (Formerly)University of California-Davis Student After becoming a Berserker, the animal spirit very quickly burns away the humanity within the person, and they become pure animals; according to Chris Argent, this is due to the fact that Berserkers aren't tempered by the moon like Werewolves. Stiles suggests that Scott apologize to Allison for yelling at her at the rave, but Scott police he didn't he didn't do anything wrong. Scott blushes and negates but now he caught the Beast's scent. Kate prepares the ritual to turn Scott into a Berserker in Smoke and Mirrors. Stiles approached Scott and Kira in the hallway after getting a news alert about the murder and insisted that they needed to leave school to check it out, although Scott and Kira, eager to have some semblance of a normal life, pointed out that it seemed non-supernatural and that Sheriff Stilinski would want them to stay out of it. When he returned, he noticed the family photo in the box nearest Allison's bed and pulled it out; upon recognizing the woman who shot Derek in the photo, he asked who she was, and Allison responded that it was her aunt Kate, though they were raised more like sisters. They couple leave the dance to go make out in a bus, but Allison’s dad shows up and Scott reveals his a werewolf. They are mainly known for purely relying on their animal instincts, as the fact that the transformation burns away the human spirit causes them to lose their ability to think like a human. Jackson eventually figures out Scott’s secret and threatens to expose him. Peter assumed that Malia had already been told a lot about her, and when Malia brought up the fact that his "homicidal killing-spree" had come up, Peter seemed confused, particularly when she claimed that he should make sure his victims all stay dead. Status Though Scott has had many friends and loved ones die during his time as a werewolf, the death of his first love Allison continues to haunt him (as well as Stiles and Lydia) more than any other so far. Derek is ready to give Peter the killing blow in retaliation for Peter killing Laura, but Scott begs him not to, since he wanted to try to cure himself by killing the Alpha who turned him. At school, Scott and Allison continue to pretend to be broken up as Stiles runs messages back and forth between them plotting how to find the bestiary. Jackson, annoyed, replied that he didn't hate Scott; he simply didn't believe him when he said that he just suddenly got good at everything. In The Wolves of War. Before they could discuss it further, Argent and Kate returned from the grocery store and drove into the garage, causing Scott and Allison to hide from them. The nogitsune draws all the pain that Scott had absorbed throughout the day out of him. Now they have to get to the others before it’s too late. Power He keeps fighting. It wasn't until Scott made it to his class that he realized what he had done and began to panic. In Maid of Gévaudan, Scott fights against the Beast of Gevaudan in school and ends up badly injured but manages to get in the library. Scott and Liam wait for Stiles and know the key card doens't work anymore as almost ten minutes pasted and then Scott starts to feel pain as the wound from Theo of the night of supermoon still hasn't healed. Matt shows up at the police station and holds, Scott, Stiles, the Sheriff, and Mrs. McCall hostage along with Derek, who got paralyzed while coming to help Scott. With the danger over, Scott insisted that Derek leave them alone, threatening to tell Argent everything if he didn't. She tells him that Deucalion wants to make a killer out of him if he won't join the Alpha Pack willingly. While they talked, their teacher passed back graded tests, on which Scott had scored a D and had written instructions to see them after class. Finally, after hearing Scott's roar for help, Derek ran out from the vault and began fighting the creatures off, and Scott watched in shock as the effort necessary for the fight caused Derek to start to age back to his adult self. Scott infiltrates the Calaveras' club with Stiles, Lydia, Kira Yukimura, and Malia Tate in a search for Derek. Theo tells them that where the Dread Docots took Mason, the Nazi Alpha Werewolf Der Soldat, whose blood the Doctors used to prolong their lives, will be there too. He also possesses other powers that are typically only possessed by True Alpha Werewolves. In Co-Captain, The Alpha,is revealed to be Derek’s uncle Peter Hale, Peter soon tries to convince Scott to join his pack. However, when they ran into Sheriff Stilinski and his deputies, they were forced to split up, which allowed Scott, who was distracted by the fact that he had dropped his inhaler onto the forest floor, to be bitten by a large, monstrous Werewolf with glowing red eyes (though it happened so fast that he believed it was a real wolf). Scott's Mum grounds him and takes away his car keys and Stiles privileges. While walking through the forest, Allison declared the day to be her best birthday ever, and Scott remarked that he would be able to tell if she were lying due to the fact that her "tell" is when she touches her left eyebrow when she isn't being honest.