As a result, Sovnarkom proclaimed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk void. "[551] Stalin systematised Leninism through a series of lectures at the Sverdlov University, which were then published as Questions of Leninism. [524] Writing in 1972, the historian Marcel Liebman stated that "there is hardly any insurrectionary movement today, from Latin America to Angola, that does not lay claim to the heritage of Leninism. Opponents were suppressed in the Red Terror, a violent campaign administered by the state security services; tens of thousands were killed or interned in concentration camps. [196] The courts were replaced by a two-tier system, namely the Revolutionary Tribunals to deal with counter-revolutionary crimes,[197] and the People's Courts to deal with civil and other criminal offences. This coalition only lasted four months until March 1918, when the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries pulled out of the government over a disagreement about the Bolsheviks' approach to ending the First World War. [43], Lenin hoped to cement connections between his Social-Democrats and Emancipation of Labour, a group of Russian Marxist émigrés based in Switzerland; he visited the country to meet group members Plekhanov and Pavel Axelrod. [563] When Mikhail Gorbachev took power in 1985 and introduced the policies of glastnost and perestroika, he too cited these actions as a return to Lenin's principles. [479], Service stated that Lenin could be "moody and volatile",[480] and Pipes deemed him to be "a thoroughgoing misanthrope",[481] a view rejected by Read, who highlighted many instances in which Lenin displayed kindness, particularly toward children. [336] The conference had to be suspended for several days due to the ongoing war with Poland,[337] and was relocated to Moscow, where it continued to hold sessions until August. [92] As the Tsarist government cracked down on opposition, both by disbanding Russia's legislative assembly, the Second Duma, and by ordering its secret police, the Okhrana, to arrest revolutionaries, Lenin fled Finland for Switzerland. T-SHIRT; CAPPELLI; Tessuti naturali; Blog; Chi Siamo; Carrello [104] Here, he became a close friend to the French Bolshevik Inessa Armand; some biographers suggest that they had an extra-marital affair from 1910 to 1912. [147] In September, the Bolsheviks gained a majority in the workers' sections of both the Moscow and Petrograd Soviets. [258] Although sometimes described as an attempt to eliminate the entire bourgeoisie,[259] Lenin did not want to exterminate all members of this class, merely those who sought to reinstate their rule. [516] A controversial figure, Lenin remains both reviled and revered,[449] a figure who has been both idolised and demonised. "[451] He was annoyed at what he perceived as a lack of conscientiousness and discipline among the Russian people, and from his youth had wanted Russia to become more culturally European and Western. [448], Lenin was an internationalist and a keen supporter of world revolution, deeming national borders to be an outdated concept and nationalism a distraction from class struggle. [49] He spent this time theorising and writing. Deemed only a minor threat to the government, he was exiled to a peasant's hut in Shushenskoye, Minusinsky District, where he was kept under police surveillance; he was nevertheless able to correspond with other revolutionaries, many of whom visited him, and permitted to go on trips to swim in the Yenisei River and to hunt duck and snipe. Hasilnya? [338] Lenin's predicted world revolution did not materialise, as the Hungarian communist government was overthrown and the German Marxist uprisings suppressed. In October/November, a second revolution had taken place, at the insistence of Lenin. [161] In the constitutional election, the Bolsheviks gained approximately a quarter of the vote, being defeated by the agrarian-focused Socialist-Revolutionaries. [123] He spent much of this time reading the works of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Ludwig Feuerbach, and Aristotle, all of whom had been key influences on Marx. "[500] Lenin despised untidiness, always keeping his work desk tidy and his pencils sharpened, and insisted on total silence while he was working. [264] For example, the Petrograd Cheka executed 512 people in a few days. Verbatim Report; Report on … We do not pretend that Marx or Marxists know the road to socialism in all its concreteness. The police arrested Lenin and accused him of being a ringleader in the demonstration; he was expelled from the university, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs exiled him to his family's Kokushkino estate. [30] He began to read the works of the Russian Marxist Georgi Plekhanov, agreeing with Plekhanov's argument that Russia was moving from feudalism to capitalism and so socialism would be implemented by the proletariat, or urban working class, rather than the peasantry. Moscow and the South, the Caucasus and Poland are ready to join the proletariat of St. Petersburg. [By prolonging the war] we unusually strengthen German imperialism, and the peace will have to be concluded anyway, but then the peace will be worse because it will be concluded by someone other than ourselves. [9], Lenin was born in Streletskaya Ulitsa, Simbirsk, now Ulyanovsk, on 22 April 1870, and baptised six days later;[10] as a child, he was known as Volodya, a diminutive of Vladimir. [54] Keen to keep up with developments in German Marxism, where there had been an ideological split, with revisionists like Eduard Bernstein advocating a peaceful, electoral path to socialism, Lenin remained devoted to violent revolution, attacking revisionist arguments in A Protest by Russian Social-Democrats. Before the attack could take place, the conspirators were arrested and tried, and Alexander was executed by hanging in May. [152] This was the base of the Military Revolutionary Committee (MRC), an armed militia largely loyal to the Bolsheviks that had been established by the Petrograd Soviet during Kornilov's alleged coup. [167] Although refusing a coalition with the Mensheviks or Socialist-Revolutionaries, Sovnarkom partialy relented; they allowed the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries five posts in the cabinet in December 1917. [176] The only individual to have anywhere near this influence was Lenin's right-hand man, Yakov Sverdlov, who died in March 1919 during a flu pandemic. [191] Many nations declared independence (Finland and Lithuania in December 1917, Latvia and Ukraine in January 1918, Estonia in February 1918, Transcaucasia in April 1918, and Poland in November 1918). [91] Lenin was involved in setting up a Bolshevik Centre in Kuokkala, Grand Duchy of Finland, which was at the time a semi-autonomous part of the Russian Empire, before the Bolsheviks regained dominance of the RSDLP at its Fifth Congress, held in London in May 1907. [382] The symptoms continued after this, with Lenin's doctors unsure of the cause; some suggested that he was suffering from neurasthenia or cerebral arteriosclerosis; others believed that he had syphilis,[383] an idea endorsed in a 2004 report by a team of neuroscientists, who suggested that this was later deliberately concealed by the government. JFD's Civilisations. [109] In January 1913, Stalin, whom Lenin referred to as the "wonderful Georgian", visited him, and they discussed the future of non-Russian ethnic groups in the Empire. The first was a Decree on Land, which declared that the landed estates of the aristocracy and the Orthodox Church should be nationalised and redistributed to peasants by local governments. [335] For this conference, he authored "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder, a short book articulating his criticism of elements within the British and German communist parties who refused to enter their nations' parliamentary systems and trade unions; instead he urged them to do so to advance the revolutionary cause. If you have any questions regarding any of the other projects located in … [273] By 1920, the Cheka had become the most powerful institution in Soviet Russia, exerting influence over all other state apparatus. We know the direction of the road, we know what class forces will lead it, but concretely, practically, this will be shown by. [428], Lenin was a devout Marxist,[430] and believed that his interpretation of Marxism, first termed "Leninism" by Martov in 1904,[431] was the sole authentic and orthodox one. [285], The White armies were established by former Tsarist military officers,[286] and included Anton Denikin's Volunteer Army in South Russia,[287] Alexander Kolchak's forces in Siberia,[288] and Nikolai Yudenich's troops in the newly independent Baltic states. [555] All of Lenin's writings that proved useful to Stalin were published, but the others remained hidden,[556] and knowledge of both Lenin's non-Russian ancestry and his noble status was suppressed. Stalin had suggested that both Georgia and neighbouring countries like Azerbaijan and Armenia should be merged into the Russian state, despite the protestations of their national governments. 128 elementi. [306] The Left Socialist-Revolutionaries then launched a coup in Moscow, shelling the Kremlin and seizing the city's central post office before being stopped by Trotsky's forces. [204] Militantly atheist, Lenin and the Communist Party wanted to demolish organised religion. [35] He devoted much time to radical politics, remaining active in Sklyarenko's group and formulating ideas about how Marxism applied to Russia. [239] Accordingly, the Treaty was deeply unpopular across Russia's political spectrum,[240] and several Bolsheviks and Left Socialist-Revolutionaries resigned from Sovnarkom in protest. [227] The Germans responded positively, viewing this as an opportunity to focus on the Western Front and stave off looming defeat. [434], Lenin's Marxist beliefs led him to the view that society could not transform directly from its present state to communism, but must first enter a period of socialism, and so his main concern was how to convert Russia into a socialist society. [369], To Lenin's embarrassment and horror, in April 1920 the Bolsheviks held a party to celebrate his fiftieth birthday, which was also marked by widespread celebrations across Russia and the publication of poems and biographies dedicated to him. [529] More recently, revisionists in both Russia and the West have highlighted the impact that pre-existing ideas and popular pressures exerted on Lenin and his policies. [552] Stalin also had much of the deceased leader's writings collated and stored in a secret archive in the Marx–Engels–Lenin Institute. [501] According to Fischer, Lenin's "vanity was minimal",[502] and for this reason he disliked the cult of personality that the Soviet administration began to build around him; he nevertheless accepted that it might have some benefits in unifying the communist movement. : 10 April] 1870 – 21 Januari 1924), adalah seorang tokoh revolusioner komunis, politikus, dan teoretikus politik berkebangsaan Rusia.Nama Lenin sebenarnya adalah nama samaran yang diambil dari nama Sungai Lena di Siberia.Ia menjabat sebagai kepala pemerintahan Republik Sosialis Federasi … Martov argued that party members should be able to express themselves independently of the party leadership; Lenin disagreed, emphasising the need for a strong leadership with complete control over the party. [570], According to Lenin biographer David Shub, writing in 1965, it was Lenin's ideas and example that "constitutes the basis of the Communist movement today. [103] With his wife and sisters he then moved to France, settling first in Bombon and then Paris. This Narodnik view developed in the 1860s with the People's Freedom Party and was then dominant within the Russian revolutionary movement. The unrest spread to other parts of Russia, and fearing that he would be violently overthrown, Tsar Nicholas II abdicated. Following Russia's failed Revolution of 1905, he campaigned for the First World War to be transformed into a Europe-wide proletarian revolution, which as a Marxist he believed would cause the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement with socialism. The Lenin who seemed externally so gentle and good-natured, who enjoyed a laugh, who loved animals and was prone to sentimental reminiscences, was transformed when class or political questions arose. [110] Due to the ailing health of both Lenin and his wife, they moved to the rural town of Biały Dunajec,[111] before heading to Bern for Nadya to have surgery on her goitre. [407] Despite his poor health, Lenin was elected chairman of the new government of the Soviet Union. [453], Lenin declared that "Soviet government is many millions of times more democratic than the most democratic-bourgeois republic", the latter of which was simply "a democracy for the rich. [160], The Provisional Government had planned for a Constituent Assembly to be elected in November 1917; against Lenin's objections, Sovnarkom agreed for the vote to take place as scheduled. "[539] Ryan also posits that for Lenin revolutionary violence was merely a means to an end, namely the establishment of a socialist, ultimately communist world—a world without violence. [294] Recognising their valuable military experience, Lenin agreed that officers from the old Tsarist army could serve in the Red Army, although Trotsky established military councils to monitor their activities. Some people on Russian social networks dug out the photos of young Vladimir Lenin and concluded that him and Leonardo look too much alike: There is a folk … [61] He first adopted the pseudonym Lenin in December 1901, possibly based on the Siberian River Lena;[62] he often used the fuller pseudonym of N. Lenin, and while the N did not stand for anything, a popular misconception later arose that it represented Nikolai. [265] There are no surviving records to provide an accurate figure of how many perished in the Red Terror;[266] later estimates of historians have ranged between 10,000 and 15,000,[267] and 50,000 to 140,000. [72] At the conference, a schism emerged between Lenin's supporters and those of Julius Martov. [271] Many Bolsheviks expressed disapproval of the Cheka's mass executions and feared the organisation's apparent unaccountability. [270] His published articles and speeches rarely called for executions, but he regularly did so in his coded telegrams and confidential notes. But it is true, they both look a whole lot like each other. [241] After the Treaty, Sovnarkom focused on trying to foment proletarian revolution in Germany, issuing an array of anti-war and anti-government publications in the country; the German government retaliated by expelling Russia's diplomats. [370] Between 1920 and 1926, twenty volumes of Lenin's Collected Works were published; some material was omitted. [523] Conversely, many later Western communists, such as Manuel Azcárate and Jean Ellenstein, who were involved in the Eurocommunist movement, expressed the view that Lenin and his ideas were irrelevant to their own objectives, thereby embracing a Marxist but not Marxist–Leninist perspective. [257], In September 1918, Sovnarkom passed a decree that inaugurated the Red Terror, a system of repression orchestrated by the Cheka. [217], Adopting a left-libertarian perspective, both the Left Communists and other factions in the Communist Party critiqued the decline of democratic institutions in Russia. [47] While involved in producing a news sheet, Rabochee delo (Workers' Cause), he was among 40 activists arrested in St. Petersburg and charged with sedition. Tutti i diritti riservati. [122], In September 1917, Lenin published Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, which argued that imperialism was a product of monopoly capitalism, as capitalists sought to increase their profits by extending into new territories where wages were lower and raw materials cheaper. He had little interest in farm management, and his mother soon sold the land, keeping the house as a summer home. [153], In October, the MRC was ordered to take control of Petrograd's key transport, communication, printing and utilities hubs, and did so without bloodshed. [230] During negotiations, the Germans insisted on keeping their wartime conquests, which included Poland, Lithuania, and Courland, whereas the Russians countered that this was a violation of these nations' rights to self-determination. [158] In these early days of the new regime, Lenin avoided talking in Marxist and socialist terms so as not to alienate Russia's population, and instead spoke about having a country controlled by the workers. [278] From July 1922, intellectuals deemed to be opposing the Bolshevik government were exiled to inhospitable regions or deported from Russia altogether; Lenin personally scrutinised the lists of those to be dealt with in this manner. [361] Lenin termed this "state capitalism",[362] and many Bolsheviks thought it to be a betrayal of socialist principles. [447] Leninism adopted a more absolutist and doctrinaire perspective than other variants of Marxism,[430] and distinguished itself by the emotional intensity of its liberationist vision. [322] During Russia's Civil War, the Red Army was sent into the newly independent national republics on Russia's borders to aid Marxists there in establishing soviet systems of government. [435] He defined socialism as "an order of civilized co-operators in which the means of production are socially owned",[436] and believed that this economic system had to be expanded until it could create a society of abundance. Descrizione. His grandmother Helene Indenbirken was a German citizen but she was born as Yelena Smirnova in Russia. [24] There, he read voraciously, becoming enamoured with Nikolay Chernyshevsky's 1863 pro-revolutionary novel What Is to Be Done? And until that end will have arrived, a series of the most terrible conflicts between the Soviet Republic and the bourgeois governments is unavoidable. The State Duma took over control of the country, establishing the Russian Provisional Government and converting the Empire into a new Russian Republic. [274], A decree in April 1919 resulted in the establishment of concentration camps, which were entrusted to the Cheka,[275] later administered by a new government agency, Gulag. [408], In March 1923, Lenin suffered a third stroke and lost his ability to speak;[409] that month, he experienced partial paralysis on his right side and began exhibiting sensory aphasia. Registro degli Operatori della Comunicazione. [422], Various biographers have stated that Lenin's writings were treated in a manner akin to holy scripture within the Soviet Union,[550] while Pipes added that "his every opinion was cited to justify one policy or another and treated as gospel. [305] In July 1918, the Left Socialist-Revolutionary Yakov Blumkin assassinated the German ambassador to Russia, Wilhelm von Mirbach, hoping that the ensuing diplomatic incident would lead to a relaunched revolutionary war against Germany. [510] Service described Lenin as "a bit of a snob in national, social and cultural terms. [498] Tending to eschew luxury, he lived a spartan lifestyle,[499] and Pipes noted that Lenin was "exceedingly modest in his personal wants", leading "an austere, almost ascetic, style of life. [430] Although he derided Marxists who adopted ideas from contemporary non-Marxist philosophers and sociologists,[441] his own ideas were influenced not only by Russian Marxist theory but also by wider ideas from the Russian revolutionary movement,[442] including those of the Narodnik agrarian-socialists. "[460], Prior to taking power in 1917, he was concerned that ethnic and national minorities would make the Soviet state ungovernable with their calls for independence; according to the historian Simon Sebag Montefiore, Lenin thus encouraged Stalin to develop "a theory that offered the ideal of autonomy and the right of secession without necessarily having to grant either.