En el capítulo “Mayura-Dia de los héroes parte 2” se muestra claramente cuando Nathalie tomó el miraculous del sitio detrás del cuadro de Emilie cuando Hawk Moth se encontraba en aprietos; aunque no se muestra el kwami ni la transformación, se muestra claramente sus habilidades y/o poderes. AmokizationTelepathyManipulationSuperhuman reflexes and agilityHigh fighting skillsSentimonster controlBusiness intuitionPower enhancement (as Catalyst) She is consistently serious, organized and diligent in performing her duties as Gabriel's assistant, yet is otherwise cordial and professional when it comes to dealing with others, such as reasoning with either Adrien or Gabriel when they act inconsiderate or emotionally (typically in relation to one another) or when assisting Ladybug with protecting Gabriel in "Simon Says". 2018: 29. ╚═══════ ೋღ⚘ღೋ ═══════╝ - - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - - Welcome to the MAST's September issue! Cat Noir steps in and he suggests that Hawk Moth will give his Miraculous to the five supers. This is the first time that Ladybug isn't able to use a Lucky Charm in the way she wanted to. It is also a contemporary Hindu name used in many parts of India. As Mayura, she tries to convince Chloé to join her and Hawk Moth, promising her that if she does, she can be Queen Bee whenever she likes, though Chloé refuses. When Queen Bee summons her Venom power, she only raises her hand and her spinning top is attached to her waist. Cat Noir and the other heroes realize that Hawk Moth is using Dark Cupid to create negative emotions in order to akumatize people. As the five heroes continue to fight, Scarlet Moth sends a swarm of akumas into the battlefield. She is also a budding fashion designer. With black hair pulled back into a bun. After that previous episode was mayura heroes’Day: Part 2 upcoming this new episode of Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir when Hawk Moth returns with Mayura and their akumatized friends along with superheroes defeating them they mean mayura and hawk moth Mayura is an upcoming villainess and the true hidden antagonist of the TV show Miraculous Ladybug. Hawk Moth has Mayura create a Sentimonster replica of previous Akumatized villain Robostus to wreak havoc in Paris while Marinette and Adrien are visting New York. In "Mayura", he is amokized by Mayura and his emotions form a Moth-themed sentimonster to help him escape the French Miraculous superhero team. Games Movies TV Video. Interestingly this is the first time when more than two people have been akumatized in one day with a total of four. history talk (0) this category is for episodes that premiered in the fourth season. La sua arma è un ventaglio con cui estrae magiche piume chiamate amok per creare sentimostri, che usa anche come comunicatore. However, as Nino is supposed to be spending the day with Alya, Adrien asks if he can bring two friends, which she approves. During the battle between Miraculer and the French Miraculous superhero team, Hawk Moth tells Mayura to come back to him as she has the Bee Miraculous. Manipulation. Attempted theftTerrorismAiding criminal activityTheftSabotageBreaking and enteringBlackmail. With that, Scarlet Moth walks to the other side of the Eiffel Tower. Register Start a Wiki. 1. In "Mayura", in order to save Hawk Moth from the French Miraculous superhero team, Nathalie uses the Peacock Miraculous. Oso is 10 centimeters (or 4 inches) tall and is light brown with ears of the same color, and a mini tail. Mayura fue revelada en el panel de Miraculous en la Convención de Cómics de Nueva York del 2016. The heroes are victorious, but Hawk Moth manages to escape with the aid of the Peacock Miraculous holder Mayura who turns out to be Gabriel's assistant Nathalie. Written by: Fluff is extremely curious and full of energy but she can also be easily startled. 225[1] Coincidentally, the three Miraculous holders that get akumatized in this episode are akumatized in the order that they become heroes (Rena Rouge being first, followed by Carapace and Queen Bee being akumatized last). category page. The Fox Miraculous' special weapon is a reed flute, as illustrated in the Miraculous … Ladybug tries to convince Rena Rouge not to give into negative emotions and Carapace even restrains her, but this does no good. 1 Capabilities 2 Variations 3 Associations 4 Limitations 5 Known Users 6 Known Objects 7 Gallery The user has access to a piece of jewelry (rings, pendants, badges, etc.) Miraculous Ladybug Season 4 Release Date. Nathalie When the Peacock Miraculous is inhabited by Duusu, she becomes Mayura. Supervillain. Assistant of Gabriel AgresteMiraculous holderSupervillain Thanks @Aubrey8 Miraculous for making me a discussions moderator! The hair comb is golden with an arch on top and nine teeth. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ... As the Miraculous Ladybug Wiki is a canon database, it is not the ideal place for fanon material. She admits to have feelings for him and would do anything for him no matter the cost. When Cat Noir uses his Cataclysm on the street to escape with Ladybug from the Scarlet Army, The Scarlet Mime can be seen holding what appears to be a katana, which was probably meant to be invisible, since the creators confirmed that they first created the objects which the Mime uses visible and then make them invisible. November 3, 2018 (Switzerland: French Region)[2]November 18, 2018 (France; TFOU)[3] According to Astruc, this is an animation mistake. Catalyst In "Catalyst", which is part of the "Heroes' Day" special, Nathalie is akumatized by Hawk Moth into Catalyst, a power-enhancing supervillain. 12 Additionally, two specials are in Season 3. She nearly succeeds in taking the Peacock Miraculous off her, but Mayura manages to escape before she can. Later, his hair disappears in the following scene. She's said to appear as Hawk Moth's "boss" in Season 3. The bottom of the dress has a front slit skirt, and the end of the skirt has rounded points with dark blue, light pink-centered spots, resembling a peacock's tail feathers. Catalyst (Akumatized form) Despicable Bird (by Queen Bee) ORIGIN. After Gabriel detransforms, his hair is miscolored gray. She engages Mayura in combat, though Mayura manages to pin her down and tries to convince her to join her team by promising that she can be Queen Bee whenever she likes. Later, he decides that she shouldn’t use the Peacock Miraculous anymore as it is affecting her health, though Nathalie insists that she doesn’t care as she wants to help him. CHARACTER INFORMATION GENDER: Female ♀ OTHER NAMES: Despicable Bird Obstacle Number 2 Miss Code: Mayura. The Peacock Miraculous is connected to the kwami Duusu and has been worn by many for years.. He also has black eyes. which is a reference to David Bowie's 'Heroes'. She is voiced by Nathalie Homs in the original French version, and by Sabrina Weisz in the English dubbed version. However, should a Sentimonster obtain the object used to create it, it will obtain freedom and independence from Mayura, as shown in "Ladybug", where the titular Sentimonster is given the keychain containing her Amok by the real Ladybug and decides to turn against Mayura as a result. After Feast’s defeat, Mayura detransforms and Nathalie falls to the floor coughing, though she assures Hawk Moth that she’s fine. En "Mayura", ella se apodera del Miraculous del Pavo Real, transformándose en Mayura. 1,727 Pages. However, when Mayura begins to take off, Cat Noir knocks the Bee Miraculous out of her hands and Ladybug snatches it. Duusuis thekwamiofEmotionwho is connected to thePeacock Miraculous.With his power, Duusu'swearercan use the brooch to transform into a peacock-themed superhero. Scarlet Moth sends an akuma after each of them, and in offering them the power to punish Chloé for her disobedience turns them back into Style Queen, Malediktator, and Despair Bear. They died. Just then, the duo hears the akumatized villains heading towards them, so they quickly feed their kwamis the aqua power-ups and jump inside the sewer waters as they transform. As Catalyst, she has periwinkle skin. December 14, 2018 (Netflix); May 13, 2019 (Disney Channel); November 12, 2019 (Disney+), November 3, 2018 (Switzerland: French Region). Episode Guide Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery ", "Mayura (Heroes' Day - Part 2)" is the twenty-sixth episode and the season finale of Season 2 of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, and it is the second and final part of "Heroes' Day” special. https://programmes.rts.ch/#/schedules/2018-11-03, https://twitter.com/CecileTF1/status/1056920380156379137, https://twitter.com/MiraculousINTL/status/1011585707520004098, https://twitter.com/MiraculousINTL/status/1011622625066586113, https://twitter.com/BeMiraculousLB/status/1023353804878573573, https://twitter.com/BeMiraculousLB/status/1068641280580702209, https://twitter.com/Netflixhelps/status/1072593612704280583, https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E0%A4%AE%E0%A4%AF%E0%A5%82%E0%A4%B0#Sanskrit, https://twitter.com/Thomas_Astruc/status/1063203724590542849, https://twitter.com/Thomas_Astruc/status/1060579368475467777, https://miraculousladybug.fandom.com/wiki/Mayura_(Heroes%27_Day_-_Part_2)?oldid=720964, "Hawk Moth, I am Mayura. Twitter. With the Ladybug Miraculous, when inhabited by Tikki, Marinette transforms into the superheroine Ladybug, gaining the power of good luck and creation to stop Hawk Moth … Help Hawk Moth steal Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses (ongoing).Lure Chloé Bourgeois/Queen Bee over to Hawk Moth's side (briefly succeeded). In the same scene he wears his tie, although in the. Variation of Powers Via Object. Cat Noir asks Ladybug what she thinks, and she replies that she knows that Hawk Moth has likely been planning this for a long time and wonders if they're really prepared. She is furthermore willing to take any risks if it means protecting him, leading to her deciding to use the damaged Peacock Miraculous to help him escape capture. The Fox Miraculous provides its wielder superhuman characteristics of strength, speed, durability and most notably, agility. She attempts to use the creature to trick Cat Noir and steal his Miraculous, and although it almost works, the real Ladybug shows up and thwarts her plan. She takes the Peacock Miraculous and transforms herself into Mayura in order to help Hawk Moth. Origin Tier: 9-B | High 7-C | Unknown, possibly 7-C. Name: Nathalie Sancoeur, Mayura, Catalyst Origin: Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir Wikis. When Cat Noir is about to give Chloé the Bee Miraculous, it is stolen by Mayura who the heroes meet for first time. Adrien asks if he can bring a friend with him, which she allows, resulting in him calling Nino. Wiki. Artiste musical. Through transformation, they change into an animal-themed superhero. In "Miraculer", as the rest of the French Miraculous superhero team fights Hawk Moth's newest villain, Mayura waits besides Chloé Bourgeois' house for Ladybug to give her the Bee Miraculous. Nathalie Sancoeur Looking out for Adrien. An upcoming untitled live-action TV series based on Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir.1 It will be produced by ZAG Entertainment and Skydance Media.2 This would mark the first time a ZAG Heroez series has a live-action adaptation. Marinette/Ladybug has caused a rift between her, her friends and teammates' relationships. Scarlet Moth then tells Catalyst that the heroes are more resistant than he expected, but Catalyst tells him they still have the last part of their plan. She even allows him to Akumatize her and later risks herself by using the damaged Peacock Miraculous to aid him when he is cornered by the French Miraculous superhero team. Miraculous: Las aventuras de Ladybug, (anteriormente conocido como Prodigiosa: Las aventuras de Ladybug), es una serie animada CGI producida por Zagtoon, Toei Animation (creó animaciones estilo anime como prueba para la serie, pero los productores decidieron hacer la serie con CGI en 3D), Method Animation y SAMG Animation. Rédiger un autre type d'article Articles ️Plan du wiki ⚗️Articles par thème ️Autres langues Cat Noir suggests that Ladybug use her Lucky Charm, but Ladybug says that it won't work because it required everybody's help. Mayura Cat Noir summons his Cataclysm, and Ladybug summons her Lucky Charm and receives a replica Miraculous box, which she believes is a sign that Hawk Moth's Miraculous will end up in that box. André wonders where his daughter is, and Audrey says that she is likely "playing super" again. It’s an honor! As an akumatized object, the color… Next To activate the belt, the user must speak the transformation phrase: "Go Bright". Ladybug tells him that it's only the three of them. Later, a weak Nathalie is shown with the Peacock Miraculous alongside Gabriel Agreste. In "Catalyst (Heroes' Day - Part 1)", Nathalie helps Hawk Moth to get Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses by letting him Akumatize her into Catalyst, a power-enhancing supervillain. Scarlet Moth watches the battle unfold and says that everything is going according to plan, with Catalyst adding how amusing it is watching the supers think that victory is possible when the future has already been decided. She has used it since then. Occupation 1. However, Adrien soon receives a phone message saying that he has to go attend a charity event. Queen Bee promises Ladybug that she will never let negative emotions take her over, but Scarlet Moth says that she should never say never as Style Queen and Malediktator appear before the superhero. After Miraculer's defeat, Mayura apologizes to Hawk Moth for failing, but Hawk Moth tells her that it's okay as he is confident that Queen Bee will change her mind. He calls her their everyday Ladybug and he called her "Super Marinette" and bids her farewell. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir. Loona is the kwami of Stasis who is connected to the Rabbit Miraculous, which is currently owned by Diane Dubrosse.With Loona's power, when she inhabits the Rabbit Miraculous, she can transform the wearer into a rabbit-themed Miraculous holder. Essai. She wears a blue dress with a fuzzy black collar and sleeves that end in a point on the back of her hand. Along the way they see the reason why they shouldn't give up. Mayura is so far the second known Miraculous holder to use their power for evil after Hawk Moth. The five supers corner Hawk Moth and Queen Bee summons her Venom in an attempt to paralyze him. File:Rena Rouge Casual Start.gif. Superhuman reflexes and agility. After seeing that Ladybug and Cat Noir defeated Scarlet Moth and the Scarlet Akumatized villains, Catalyst becomes enraged. Calling him a coward, Ladybug and Cat Noir fight Scarlet Moth in a duel. The last person to hold the Peacock Miraculous is implied to have been Emilie Agreste. Because after it is used, the kwami loses the energy needed … Scarlet Moth rages over his failure of akumatizing the two supers. High fighting skills. Despair Bear sneaks behind Queen Bee and holds her in place while Dark Cupid shoots an arrow at her. She can also be extremely fearful of disappointing Gabriel, panicking after realizing she forgot to get Gabriel a birthday gift for Adrien in "The Bubbler", and quickly deciding to disguise Marinette's scarf as a gift from the former instead. In "Stormy Weather 2", Gabriel has Nathalie write a letter to Tomoe Tsurugi that states that even though things aren't going as planned, change is a good thing and their agreement will be strengthened in the end. This was confirmed to be an animation error by. Nathalie smiles and wishes Adrien a Merry Christmas. Suddenly, she begins violently coughing and drops to the floor, although she tells Gabriel that she is alright. 2. She's the one behind Hawk Moth all along. Sensing a strong negative emotion, Gabriel tells Nathalie that they will finish the letter later, and has her escort Adrien out when he tries to talk to him. Die Serie feierte am 17. The supers are unaware of it, but the Scarlet Moth they are confronting is an illusion made by Volpina. The scene where the Parisians rise against the akumatized villains is a reference to "Liberty Leading the People" painting by Eugène Delacroix. Hawk Moth | Nooroo | Lila Rossi | Chloé Bourgeois | Nightmare Adrien | Nightmare Dough | Ghosts of the Order of the Guardians | Nightmare Ladybug | Duusu | Mayura | Bob Roth | Butterfly Sentimonster | Sentimonster Ladybug | Feast | Félix Graham de Vanily | Techno Pirate | Reflekdoll | Lollipop Monster | XY, Zak Storm: Super Pirate Quickly coming up with a plan, Ladybug tells everyone to get ready. Scarlet Moth then sends Dark Cupid after the Bourgeois family, as André is giving a speech to the citizens of Paris telling them they will not give in to villainy, before being called by his wife to join her in leaving Paris. Powers/Skills Assistant of Gabriel Agreste. In these forms, the Miraculous holder gains enhanced physical abilities, a tool (like Ladybug's yo-yo), and a superpower (like Cat Noir's Cataclysm). If you're someone who would like to create such material, please check out our sister wiki, the Miraculous Ladybug Fanon Wiki! She then begins to feel dizzy, so she, Adrien, and the bodyguard go home. The Chameleon Miraculous is a belt that, whenever Chii inhabits it, transforms the wearer into a chameleon-themed hero. Anyway! Nathalie works as Gabriel's assistant and is incredibly loyal to him, supporting his efforts in trying to obtain Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses despite them being morally wrong. After Gabriel explains to Adrien that Nathalie gets dizzy spells sometimes, Nathalie reveals to Gabriel that the statue Mr. Kubdel found is actually a dormant Sentimonster. Nathalie Sancoeur, later known as Mayura and Catalyst while using the Peacock Miraculous and in her Akumatized form respectively, is the secondary antagonist of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir. 1 Series overview 2 Episode list 2. is always seen in episodes of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. US airdate: Directed by: This episode confirms that Hawk Moth can stay transformed even after using his superpower and it's implied that Ladybug and Cat Noir can as well, but they don't have the experience to do so. The name "Mayura" is the Sanskrit word for "peacock", which is one of the sacred birds in Hindu mythology. "Catalyst" Prod. They are soon met by Syren and Animan, but they start a duel and manage to deakumatize the two. Since the wiki is slowly dying down. The supers then see Scarlet Moth and come up from behind him. I’ve done all o can in advertising, but the MLB wiki sadly doesn’t promote it. With his power, his wearer can use the Miraculous to transform into a bear-themed superhero. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mar 29, 2020 - Nathalie Sancoeur, later known as Mayura and Catalyst while using the Peacock Miraculous and in her Akumatized form respectively, is the secondary antagonist of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir. Société/Entreprise. Credits She is the assistant of Gabriel Agreste/Hawk Moth, who later starts to use the Peacock Miraculous to help him in his quest to steal the Miraculouses of Ladybug and Cat Noir. APARIENCIA °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Atuendo civil. Abilities. He comments on how inexperienced they are since they lose their transformations shortly after they use their superpowers. Cuando su Miraculouses habitado por Duusu, ella se transforma en la villana con temática de Pavo Real. MayuraCatalyst (Akumatized form)Despicable Bird (by Queen Bee) Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir Prime Queen announces on live TV that everyone will witness the victory of Scarlet Moth and Heroes' Day will become Villains' Day. You're up against the wall, plagued by your deepest darkest despair.