Thereafter he served as chief of the Defence Staff until 1965, making him the longest-serving professional head of the British Armed Forces to date. Membre proche de la famille royale, il est assassiné par lIRA provisoire. Il 23 novembre 1979, Thomas McMahon venne dichiarato colpevole di omicidio per il ruolo che giocò nella sistemazione dell'ordigno esplosivo; venne rilasciato nel 1998 alle condizioni previste dal Good Friday Agreement. Née le 14 février 1924, Patricia Edwina Victoria était l’aînée des deux filles de Lord Mountbatten (né prince Louis de Battenberg), l’oncle maternel du prince Philip, et de Edwina Asley. [46][47], Following the war, Mountbatten was known to have largely shunned the Japanese for the rest of his life out of respect for his men killed during the war and, as per his will, Japan was not invited to send diplomatic representatives to his funeral in 1979, though he did meet Emperor Hirohito during his state visit to Britain in 1971, reportedly at the urging of the Queen. Egli la considerò anche come una specie di risarcimento per la macchia all'onore del padre, che venne costretto a rassegnare le dimissioni da Primo lord dell'Ammiragliato nel 1914 dopo essere stato falsamente accusato di simpatie pro-Germania. Durante questo periodo di relativa inattività fece una visita in aereo a Pearl Harbor, dove non si stupì della scarsa preparazione e della generale mancanza di cooperazione tra la marina e l'esercito statunitense, compresa l'assenza di una forza congiunta. [100], In 2006, the BBC documentary The Plot Against Harold Wilson alleged that there had been another plot involving Mountbatten to oust Wilson during his second term in office (1974–1976). Come prevedibile egli approntò un quartier generale nel palazzo reale di Kandy, in Sri Lanka, ma i generali americani non ne rimasero impressionati. Mountbatten had to command a platoon of stokers, many of whom had never handled a rifle before, in northern England. "[76], After India, Mountbatten served as commander of the 1st Cruiser Squadron in the Mediterranean Fleet and, having been granted the substantive rank of vice-admiral on 22 June 1949,[77] he became Second-in-Command of the Mediterranean Fleet in April 1950. Dopo il periodo trascorso in India, Mountbatten prestò servizio nella Flotta del Mediterraneo come ufficiale di staff nell'Ammiragliato. [16], Canada's capital city of Ottawa, Ontario, erected Mountbatten Avenue in his memory. Mountbatten, then aged 79, was pulled alive from the water by nearby fishermen, but died from his injuries before being brought to shore. Nel 1946 fu creato I visconte Mountbatten of Burma, of Romsey in the County of Southampton, e e, l'anno dopo, I conte Mountbatten of Burma e barone Romsey, of Romsey in the County of Southampton (1947), titoli nobiliari nella paria del Regno Unito[10]. Lord Mountbatten nacque a Frogmore House, a Windsor in Inghilterra, come Sua Altezza Serenissima principe Louis di Battenberg. This was the first time in Royal Naval history that a father and son had both attained such high rank. Lord Brabourne counselled that the intense scrutiny of the press would be more likely to drive Mountbatten's godson and granddaughter apart than together. [104], After Edwina's death in 1960, Mountbatten was involved in relationships with young women, according to his daughter Patricia, his secretary John Barratt, his valet Bill Evans and William Stadiem, an employee of Madame Claude. Lord Mountbatten nacque a Frogmore House, a Windsor in Inghilterra, come Sua Altezza Serenissima principe Louis di Battenberg. Il film è liberamente tratto dal libro Indian Summer: The Secret history of the end of an empire di Alex von Tunzelmann.[29]. Mountbatten's most controversial legacy came in his support for the burgeoning nationalist movements which grew up in the shadow of Japanese occupation. "[103] He maintained an affair for several years with Yola Letellier,[104] the wife of Henri Letellier, publisher of Le Journal and mayor of Deauville (1925–28). Lord Louis Mountbatten was murdered by the Irish Republican Army in 1979. Lo storico Brian Loring Villa ritiene che Mountbatten diresse l'azione senza avere alcuna autorizzazione, ma che l'intenzione di comportarsi in questo modo era conosciuta ai suoi superiori, che però non agirono per fermarlo. O Conde sabia que estava sob ameaça do IRA, tendo sido informado de um plano para o assassinato de um dos membros da Casa Windsor. The viceroy made several attempts to mediate between the Congress leaders, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Hari Singh on issues relating to the accession of Kashmir, though he was largely unsuccessful in resolving the conflict. Secondo me, l'IRA ha raggiunto il suo obiettivo: la gente ha iniziato a prestare attenzione a ciò che sta avvenendo in Irlanda.[21]». Lord Mountbatten si sposò il 18 luglio 1922 con Edwina Cynthia Annette Ashley, figlia di Wilfred William Ashley, in seguito creato I barone Mount Temple, a sua volta nipote del VII conte di Shaftesbury. [127], Mountbatten usually holidayed at his summer home, Classiebawn Castle, in Mullaghmore, a small seaside village in County Sligo in the north-west of Ireland. He then served as the first Governor-General of India until June 1948. ", This page was last edited on 24 January 2021, at 10:01. Lord Ivar Mountbatten, the cousin to Queen Elizabeth, has become the first member of the royal family to come out as gay and has spoken about his sexuality at length. Louis Mountbatten évoque dans ses mémoires ce moment: « Edwina avait demandé que la mer fût sa dernière demeure. Critics said he was too ready to overlook their faults, and especially their subordination to communist control. Yet it also made clear that the plot was in no way official and that any activity centred on a small group of discontented officers. Ne raggiunse i vertici con la carica, ricevuta nel 1955, di First Sea Lord (capo di stato maggiore della marina). Ziegler says that in Malaya, where the main resistance to the Japanese came from Chinese who were under considerable communist influence, "Mountbatten proved to have been naïve in his assessment....He erred, however, not because he was 'soft on Communism'....but from an over-readiness to assume the best of those with whom he had dealings." [19] Mountbatten was appointed a personal naval aide-de-camp to King Edward VIII on 23 June 1936[20] and, having joined the Naval Air Division of the Admiralty in July 1936,[21] he attended the coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in May 1937. [148], Two hours before the bomb detonated, Thomas McMahon had been arrested at a Garda checkpoint between Longford and Granard on suspicion of driving a stolen vehicle. Egli mantenne l'incarico fino alla morte. [113], Lord and Lady Mountbatten had two daughters: Patricia Knatchbull, 2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma (14 February 1924 – 13 June 2017),[115] sometime lady-in-waiting to Queen Elizabeth II, and Lady Pamela Hicks (born 19 April 1929), who accompanied them to India in 1947–1948 and was also sometime lady-in-waiting to the Queen. Mountbatten war Onkel v… [175], "Louis Mountbatten" redirects here. The British people give thanks for his life and grieve at his passing.[139]. [130], On 27 August 1979, Mountbatten went lobster-potting and tuna fishing in his 30-foot (9.1 m) wooden boat, Shadow V, which had been moored in the harbour at Mullaghmore. He was appointed chief of Combined Operations and a member of the Chiefs of Staff Committee in early 1942, and organised the raids on St Nazaire and Dieppe. Lady Mountbatten morì all'età di 58 anni il 21 febbraio 1960 a Jesselton (la moderna Kota Kinabalu), nel Borneo del Nord (l'attuale Stato malese di Sabah). This much had already been confirmed by former cabinet secretary Lord Hunt, who concluded in a secret inquiry conducted in 1996 that "there is absolutely no doubt at all that a few, a very few, malcontents in MI5 ... a lot of them like Peter Wright who were right-wing, malicious and had serious personal grudges – gave vent to these and spread damaging malicious stories about that Labour government. Mountbatten venne nominato primo Lord Lieutenant (Lord Luogotenente) dell'isola di Wight a seguito della creazione della contea nel 1974. This left 14 million people on the "wrong" side of the border, and very many of them fled to "safety" on the other side when the new lines were announced. Hindus and Muslims were thoroughly terrified, and the Muslim movement from the East was balanced by the similar movement of Hindus from the West. In August 1979, Mountbatten was assassinated by a bomb planted aboard his fishing boat in Mullaghmore, County Sligo, Ireland, by members of the Provisional Irish Republican Army. [129][150], On hearing of Mountbatten's death, the then Master of the Queen's Music, Malcolm Williamson, wrote the Lament in Memory of Lord Mountbatten of Burma for violin and string orchestra. Nel giro di alcuni giorni, Filippo ricevette un ordine da parte del cugino e sovrano, re Giorgio II di Grecia, di riprendere la sua carriera nella marina britannica; ordine che venne rispettato dal giovane principe, benché fosse stato impartito senza alcuna spiegazione. militare (KCB, mil. With the concourse wrapping around the platform, a large interior space is created around the platform, givi… Her maternal grandfather died in 1921, leaving her £2 million (equivalent to £89.4 million in 2019), and his palatial London townhouse, Brook House, at a time when her future husband's naval salary was £610 a year (equivalent to £27,262 in 2019). They were aboard his boat, Shadow V, which had just set off from the fishing village of Mullaghmore, when the bomb detonated around 1130 BST. Lord Mountbatten, mentore del principe Carlo e zio del marito di Elisabetta II, venne ucciso per mano dei terroristi dell'IRA. Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, I conte Mountbatten of Burma, nato principe Louis di Battenberg (Frogmore House, 25 giugno 1900 – Mullaghmore, 27 agosto 1979), meglio noto come Lord Mountbatten, fu un ammiraglio e uomo di Stato britannico, zio materno del marito della regina Elisabetta II, il principe Filippo, duca di Edinburgo, e lontano cugino della regina stessa. Reviewed in the United States on September 3, 2013. La sua esperienza nella regione ed in particolare le sue presunte simpatie laburiste del tempo indussero il premier Clement Attlee a nominarlo nel febbraio 1947 viceré dl'India dopo la guerra. Il secondo figlio maschio acquisì, quindi, il titolo di cortesia di Lord Louis Mountbatten e venne chiamato, in via informale, Lord Louis fino alla morte benché gli fosse stata garantita una viscontea come riconoscimento per il suo servizio durante a seconda guerra mondiale in Estremo Oriente ed una contea per il suo ruolo nella transizione dell'India da dipendenza britannica a Stato sovrano. Mountbatten was posted as midshipman to the battlecruiser HMS Lion in July 1916 and, after seeing action in August 1916, transferred to the battleship HMS Queen Elizabeth during the closing phases of the First World War. Fu questo il primo incontro di cui si abbia notizia dei futuri genitori di Carlo. Lord Brabourne, dal canto suo, ritenne invece che la grande pressione esercitata dalla stampa avrebbe allontanato i due giovani piuttosto che avvicinarli. During his meeting with Mountbatten, Gandhi asked Mountbatten to invite Jinnah to form a new central government, but Mountbatten never uttered a word of Gandhi's ideas to Jinnah. When Mountbatten and his party had taken the boat just a few hundred yards from the shore, the bomb was detonated. As a member of the House of Lords, Mountbatten was an emotional figure in both British and Irish politics. Says Lunghi, "The meeting was embarrassing because Stalin was so unimpressed. [68] Accounts differ on the future Mountbatten desired for Kashmir. Ancora oggi è dibattuta la questione circa il fatto se la loro relazione giunse anche ad un livello fisico. [81], In the Suez Crisis of 1956, Mountbatten strongly advised his old friend Prime Minister Anthony Eden against the Conservative government's plans to seize the Suez canal in conjunction with France and Israel. Dietro di lui Edwina e Nehru ridono. Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1. His father was subsequently created Marquess of Milford Haven. In my opinion, the IRA achieved its objective: people started paying attention to what was happening in Ireland. [22] He was promoted captain on 30 June 1937[23] and was then given command of the destroyer HMS Kelly in June 1939. In his view, any longer would mean civil war. Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten, original name Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, prince of Battenberg, (born June 25, 1900, Frogmore House, Windsor, Eng.—died Aug. 27, 1979, Donegal Bay, off Mullaghmore, County Sligo, Ire. Il padre e la madre di Nicholas Knatchbull, assieme al gemello Timothy, vennero feriti gravemente, ma sopravvissero all'esplosione. La risposta fu incoraggiante, ma d'altronde ella lo avvisò che secondo lei la figlia era ancora troppo giovane per essere corteggiata. [24] Una cerimonia funebre in onore di Mountbatten fu organizzata a Dublino nella cattedrale di San Patrizio, cui parteciparono il presidente dell'Irlanda, Patrick John Hillery, ed il Taoiseach, Jack Lynch. Dopo aver frequentato la Lockers Park Prep School ed il Naval Cadet School, Mountbatten servì nella Royal Navy durante la Prima guerra mondiale. In ogni caso, sia per il biografo di Mountbatten che per Dimbledy, i risultati di questa influenza potrebbero essere stati alterni. Tutto in lui era grandioso: l’ambizione e la vanità, la lealtà, il suo coraggio e la sua capacità di ascoltare e rispettare i punti di vista altrui. militare (KCB, mil. The death of Mountbatten and the tributes paid to him will be seen in sharp contrast to the apathy of the British Government and the English people to the deaths of over three hundred British soldiers, and the deaths of Irish men, women, and children at the hands of their forces.[128][140]. House of Commons, Hansard: 10 gennaio 1996, colonna 287. - Sito in memoria di Louis, 1º Conte Mountbatten di Burma, Rapporti con gli ufficiali degli U-Boat U-35 tedeschi, L'assassinio di Mountbatten: una retrospettiva, Patricia Mountbatten, II contessa Mountbatten of Burma, governatore generale dell'India indipendente, George Mountbatten, II marchese di Milford Haven, Medaglia dell'incoronazione di re Giorgio V, Commendatore del Gran Priorato dell'Ordine dell'Ospedale di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme in Inghilterra (CStJ), Cavaliere gran croce dell'Ordine Reale Vittoriano (GCVO), Cavaliere del Gran Priorato nel Reame Britannico del Venerabile Ordine dell'Ospedale di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme (KStJ), Compagno dell'Ordine del Servizio Distinto (DSO), Compagno dell'Onorevolissimo Ordine del Bagno, divisione militare (CB, mil. [5], Lord Mountbatten riteneva però che la lezione imparata dalla disfatta di Dieppe fosse necessaria per la pianificazione dell'invasione della Normandia, anche se gli storici militari, come ad esempio il Royal Marine Julian Thompson, scrissero che questa lezione non avrebbe richiesto una sconfitta come quella di Dieppe per essere imparata.[6]. [53], When India and Pakistan attained independence at midnight on the night of 14–15 August 1947, Mountbatten remained in New Delhi for 10 months, serving as the first governor general of an independent India until June 1948. Wright alleged that "up to thirty" MI5 officers had joined a secret campaign to undermine the crisis-stricken Labour government of Harold Wilson and that King was an MI5 agent. Mountbatten's instructions were to avoid partition and preserve a united India as a result of the transfer of power but authorised him to adapt to a changing situation in order to get Britain out promptly with minimal reputational damage. Non avendo particolari passatempi o passioni, e vivendo lo stile di vita dei reali, Edwina trascorse la maggior parte del suo tempo a party con la crème della società indiana e britannica, facendo viaggi e, nei fine settimana, alloggiando nella residenza di campagna. Fifty-two percent of the officers of his year had had to leave the Royal Navy by the end of 1923; although he was highly regarded by his superiors, it was rumoured that wealthy and well-connected officers were more likely to be retained. [124] It was about this time he also recommended that the 25 year-old prince get on with "sowing some wild oats". Negli anni successivi, l'India precedente all'indipendenza venne chiamata India britannica; prima della suddivisione e dell'indipendenza con questo termine ci si riferiva quindi a quelle parti dell'India che erano direttamente amministrate dagli inglesi, in opposizione a quelle terre che erano sotto il controllo di principi indiani. [105] Yola Letellier's life story was the inspiration for Colette's novel Gigi. [122] But a few months later, Mountbatten's efforts nearly came to naught when he received a letter from his sister Alice in Athens informing him that Philip was visiting her and had agreed to permanently repatriate to Greece. Ele era ao mesmo tempo fez Conde e Visconde de Medina. Mountbatten è nato a Darmstadt nel Granducato d'Assia, allora governata da suo zio materno Ernesto Luigi d'Assia.Dalla nascita, era un principe della famiglia reale di Hesse, anche se di un ramo morganatica. Mountbatten, nel film, dice: «Non ho mai avuto tali occasioni di eccitamento dalla fine della guerra».[28]. He felt differently about the Muslim League leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah, but was aware of his power, stating "If it could be said that any single man held the future of India in the palm of his hand in 1947, that man was Mohammad Ali Jinnah. [86] Ian Jacob, co-author of the 1963 Report on the Central Organisation of Defence that served as the basis of these reforms, described Mountbatten as "universally mistrusted in spite of his great qualities". Tutto in lui era grandioso: l’ambizione e la vanità, la lealtà, il suo coraggio e la sua capacità di ascoltare e rispettare i punti di vista altrui. During the Second World War, he was Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia Command. Visconte Mountbatten di Burma, Barone Romsey, The London Gazette, Publication date: 21 July 1966, Issue: 44059, Page: 8227. [20] I loro padri però obiettarono prontamente al progetto. Dal 1954 al 1959 fu capo di stato maggiore della Marina britannica e da quella data al 1965 della difesa. Questo fu dovuto ad una sua decisa insistenza: i suoi rapporti con la figlia più grande furono sempre particolarmente stretti e lui aveva da sempre il particolare desiderio che lei potesse succedergli nel titolo come proprio diritto. Mountbatten left with his tail between his legs. Durante l'infanzia visitò la corte imperiale di Russia a San Pietroburgo ed entrò in confidenza con la famiglia imperiale che in seguito venne assassinata; ormai anziano egli venne chiamato a dare la propria testimonianza per confutare le pretese delle pretendenti granduchesse Anastasia. He knew the danger involved in coming to this country. Mountbatten's faults, according to his biographer Philip Ziegler, like everything else about him, "were on the grandest scale. [95][96][97], In 1975 he finally visited the Soviet Union, leading the delegation from UK as personal representative of Queen Elizabeth II at the celebrations to mark the 30th anniversary of Victory Day in World War II in Moscow. A seguito del matrimonio della regina Elisabetta II e del principe Filippo, venne decretato, ma solo dal 1960[3] che i loro discendenti avrebbero dovuto portare il cognome di Mountbatten-Windsor, pur rimanendo inalterato il nome della dinastia. La sua nave, il cacciatorpediniere H.M.S. [27] His less practical ideas were sidelined by an experienced planning staff led by Lieutenant-Colonel James Allason, though some, such as a proposal to launch an amphibious assault near Rangoon, got as far as Churchill before being quashed. Biografia. [1], Since Mountbatten had no sons when he was created Viscount Mountbatten of Burma, of Romsey in the County of Southampton on 27 August 1946[116] and then Earl Mountbatten of Burma and Baron Romsey, in the County of Southampton on 28 October 1947,[117] the Letters Patent were drafted such that in the event he left no sons or issue in the male line, the titles could pass to his daughters, in order of seniority of birth, and to their male heirs respectively. O Conde sabia que estava sob ameaça do IRA, tendo sido informado de um plano para o assassinato de um dos membros da Casa Windsor. A set of escalators, stairs and a lift connects the platform level to the concourse level one floor above. Admiral of the Fleet Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (born Prince Louis of Battenberg; 25 June 1900 – 27 August 1979), was a British Royal Navy officer and statesman, an uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and second cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II. È noto per essere stato l'ultimo viceré dell'impero anglo-indiano e il primo governatore generale dell'India indipendente. [141], Adams later said in an interview, "I stand over what I said then. [7] He paid a visit of ten days to the Western Front, in July 1918. [136] The Queen received messages of condolence from leaders including American President Jimmy Carter and Pope John Paul II. [121], Mountbatten's qualification for offering advice to this particular heir to the throne was unique; it was he who had arranged the visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to Dartmouth Royal Naval College on 22 July 1939, taking care to include the young Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret in the invitation, but assigning his nephew, Cadet Prince Philip of Greece, to keep them amused while their parents toured the facility. Mountbatten si fece vanto dell'attività di favorire la comprensione interculturale; nel 1984, con il patrocinio della figlia maggiore, venne creato il Mountbatten Internship Programme, per consentire ai giovani l'opportunità di accrescere le loro conoscenze interculturali spendendo del tempo all'estero. August 1979 in der Bucht von Sligo, Irland) war ein britischer Admiral of the Fleet, letzter Vizekönig von Indien sowie erster Generalgouverneur Indiens nach der Teilung und Generalstabschef des Vereinigten Königreichs aus dem Adelsgeschlecht Battenberg. Da questo momento in avanti il loro matrimonio si disintegrò, tra costanti accuse e sospetti. The Life and Times of Lord Mountbatten (Hutchinson, 1968) Andrew Roberts Eminent Churchillians, (Phoenix Press, 1994). Lord Mountbatten era un prediletto di Winston Churchill (anche se dopo il 1948 Churchill non gli parlò più a causa della sua notoria avversione per il ruolo giocato da Lord Louis nell'indipendenza dell'India e del Pakistan) ed il 27 ottobre 1941 Mountbatten sostituì Roger Keyes come comandante delle operazioni speciali combinate. At Mountbatten's funeral, Prince Charles, who must have been particularly heartbroken, did a reading. Yet he also encouraged the Prince to enjoy the bachelor life while he could, and then to marry a young and inexperienced girl so as to ensure a stable married life. Nella sua canzone Post World War Two Blues, contenuta nell'album Past, Present and Future del 1973, il cantautore Al Stewart fece riferimento alla controversia tra Mountbatten e Winston Churchill a proposito dell'India. "[102], Mountbatten was married on 18 July 1922 to Edwina Cynthia Annette Ashley, daughter of Wilfred William Ashley, later 1st Baron Mount Temple, himself a grandson of the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury. He was the last Viceroy of India and the first governor-general of independent India. [7] His ship was a new destroyer, which he was to sail to Singapore and exchange for an older ship, HMS Wishart. [5] In June 1917, when the royal family stopped using their German names and titles and adopted the more British-sounding "Windsor", Prince Louis of Battenberg became Louis Mountbatten and was created Marquess of Milford Haven. Lord Mountbatten was ‘a homosexual with a perversion for young boys’, FBI files claim GOT a news story? [107] Andrew Lownie, a Royal Historical Society fellow, wrote that the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) maintained files regarding Mountbatten's alleged homosexuality. Come membro della Camera dei Lord, Mountbatten era una figura di spicco nella politica britannica ed irlandese. [75] When Mountbatten was asked by Collins and Lapierre if he would have sabotaged Pakistan had he known that Jinnah was dying of tuberculosis, he replied, "Most probably. In August 1941, he received command of the aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious. [41], British interpreter Hugh Lunghi recounted an embarrassing episode during the Potsdam Conference when Mountbatten, desiring to receive an invitation to visit the Soviet Union, repeatedly attempted to impress Joseph Stalin with his former connections to the Russian imperial family. [89] He was Governor of the Isle of Wight from 20 July 1965[90] and then the first Lord Lieutenant of the Isle of Wight from 1 April 1974. Lord Mountbatten já havia sido alvo do IRA anteriormente, escapando da morte apenas por um desvio em uma viagem devido a uma grande tempestade. Nel 1937 fu promosso capitano della Royal Navy e nel 1939 ottenne il comando del cacciatorpediniere H.M.S. Translations in context of "MORTE DI LADY" in italian-english. .mw-parser-output .tmulti .thumbinner{display:flex;flex-direction:column}.mw-parser-output .tmulti .trow{display:flex;flex-direction:row;clear:left;flex-wrap:wrap;width:100%;box-sizing:border-box}.mw-parser-output .tmulti .tsingle{margin:1px;float:left}.mw-parser-output .tmulti .theader{clear:both;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;align-self:center;background-color:transparent;width:100%}.mw-parser-output .tmulti .thumbcaption{background-color:transparent}.mw-parser-output .tmulti .text-align-left{text-align:left}.mw-parser-output .tmulti .text-align-right{text-align:right}.mw-parser-output .tmulti .text-align-center{text-align:center}@media all and (max-width:720px){.mw-parser-output .tmulti .thumbinner{width:100%!important;box-sizing:border-box;max-width:none!important;align-items:center}.mw-parser-output .tmulti .trow{justify-content:center}.mw-parser-output .tmulti .tsingle{float:none!important;max-width:100%!important;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .tmulti .tsingle .thumbcaption{text-align:left}.mw-parser-output .tmulti .trow>.thumbcaption{text-align:center}}, Among the Indian leaders, Mahatma Gandhi emphatically insisted on maintaining a united India and for a while successfully rallied people to this goal.