Amaretto: a generic name for a sweet Italian liqueur originally flavored from bitter almonds. An exception to this are the famous Italian cocktails, which in Italy are usually consumed as an aperitif, but can still be a little sweeter, depending on the mixture. Ordina per. Italy’s sweet dessert wines were purposely left out of this list as they deserve a chapter of their own: Italian dessert wines. Disaronno is a brand of Italian liqueur is an infusion of apricot kernel essential oil flavored with seventeen selected herbs and fruits. liquori amari/digestivi - italia vecchio magazzino doganale CL. E i monac… Martini, Cinzano, Campari and Aperol, are famous Italian brands of aperitifs that are also used as ingredients for pre-dinner cocktails. It can turn out bitter if the lemon rinds were peeled to grossly. In giro per il mondo li chiamano “brown spirits”, i liquori marron. Special offers, new products, and creative gifts, Classes, events, and complimentary tastings, We will be sure that you're up-to-date on the world of high-quality food and drink. Martini exists as white, red, rosato, extra dry and bitter “vermouth”, and is originally from Turin. I liquori italiani hanno un’azione digestiva, oltre a quella alcolica. Nella nostra enoteca online troverai liquori e amari di ogni tipo, per accontentare anche i gusti più esigenti. (Rant, thoughts and what Slow Italy stands for), Italy’s most awe-inspiring, smaller lakes you’ve probably never heard of, Popular foods of Italy: 40 Iconic Italian dishes and must-try Italian foods, The Italian art of the aperitivo: Italian aperitivi and cocktail drinks, Most Notable and Famous Italians in History, Secret and unusual Sicily: 10 towns and sights off the beaten path, 10 Things we Love about Varenna, Lake Como, Tips for a trendy and off-the-beaten-path weekend in Rome, Top 12 Most famous and Iconic fountains of Rome, 7 Reasons to visit Villa Giulia – the masterpieces of Etruscan heritage in Rome, Rome’s talking statues – between reality, poetry and legend, Carnival of Venice: history and meaning of the different types of Venetian masks, Top 15 reasons that make Molise the new coolest region to visit in Italy. Gli amari sono bevande alcoliche classificate come liquori digestivi e sono composti da erbe, sostanze vegetali, poco zucchero ed aromi. It is ususally drunk neat (undiluted), despite its 70% content of alcohol, or used to lace a coffee, milk or chocolate drink. Utilizzata spesso nella preparazione di liquori ed amari, durante la dominazione coloniale inglese in India fu aggiunta all'acqua per prevenire la malaria. They generally have an alcohol content between 27% and 42%. Gli amari italiani da provare sono tanti, dall'Amara di Rossa Sicily al Genzianotto di Lab Liquori: ecco 10 proposte Made in Italy da degustare, insieme a 5 imperdibili digestivi. Liquori artigianali italiani direttamente sulla tua tavola con spedizioni veloci, imballaggio accurato e la migliore assisitenza pre e post acquisto. When consumed alone it can be served neat, on the rocks. Ancient Umbria is the territory once inhabited by the Umbri, the people who had settled east of the Tiber river in pre-Roman times. Ecco i Migliori 5 Amari Italiani Più Richiesti Immaginarsi, a fine pasto, su una terrazza in riva al mare. It is very common in Abruzzo, where it was originally known as cianterba. Il limoncello Radaelli è lo splendido risultato ottenuto dall’infusione della parte gialla delle scorse dei migliori limoni italiani non trattati in alcool neutro lasciate macerare per 15 giorni. Limoncino: a variant of limoncello produced in Liguria. There are many variations of martinis. Amaro: is an aromatized liqueur, so the equivalent of a vermouth but with liqueur instead of wine. For Galliano-based cocktails, see: Italian cocktail drinks, Genepi is a liquor produced in the Alps and the Aoste Valley. Today, we skip past the wine pairings to the end of the meal, after the last dessert plate has been cleared: it’s digestivo time! I liquori italiani storici sono un ottimo alleato per affrontare il resto della giornata dopo un pranzo importante o una garanzia di “notte serena” dopo una cena particolarmente abbondante. Our Complete Guide to Italian craft beers, on Nardò, the big-hearted, sleeping beauty (Salento, Puglia), on Italia Sparita – A Story about Little Things and Big Emotions, on How Slow is Slow ? Aperitivo: an apertivo is meant to whet the appetite, and therefore it’s usually dry or bitter and low in alcohol. The liqueur also contains anise, of course, and licorice, with hints of peppermint, lavender, ginger, juniper, musk yarrow and cinnamon, with subtle citrus and woodsy herbal under notes. Nell'Unione europea, gli amari sono definiti nel Regolamento CE N° 110/2008 come "bevande spiritose di gusto amaro" o "bitter". Mirto is a bitter Sardinian liqueur, obtained through the alcoholic maceration of the berries or or a mixture of berries and leaves of the myrtle plant (Mirtus Communis). The production process is very complicated as it consists of seven infusions and six distillations. For Aperol-based cocktails, see: Italian cocktail drinks. Centerbe or Centerba, translated as “one hundred herbs”, is a traditional Italian liqueur with a characteristic emerald green color made of digestive and medicinal herbs found on the Monte Morrone, Majella, Gran Sasso mountains, part of the Apennines. Grappa is a liquor made from fermented peels, seeds and stems of grapes. Sono incluse infatti la liquirizia, la camomilla e l’arancio, che hanno queste proprietà e che aggiungono anche un tocco aromatico a quello che dovrebbe essere semplicemente un amaro. It is bright yellow in color, sweet and lemony, but not sour since it contains no lemon juice. In appearance Galliano is similar to Strega (see further). The taste is bold, yet surprisingly smooth for a 35% alcohol content beverage. © Slow Italy, 2005-2021. The main ingredient of the liqueur is vanilla, which differentiates it from other anise-flavored liqueurs such as Sambuca. Limoncello is a strong lemon liqueur produced in Southern Italy, originally in the region around the Gulf of Naples. Tra gli amari italiani più venduti e conosciuti all’estero. It is used as a digestivo for its digestion-enhancing properties. First published on in June 2013; updated and redirected to Slow Italy. Here are at least ten reasons why the bubbling and inspiring city of Turin should definitely be on your Italy bucket list. It is made from a base of various aromas and caramel, which gives it its typical color. 50 28,20 € Creato da una ricetta unica e segreta, formata dall’unione di tre blend precedentemente preparati, di infusi separati e … By definition a digestivo is a drink served at the end of a meal to aid digestion. Indeed, bitter drinks challenge the liver, moderate hunger over the course of the meal and optimize digestion, resulting in a better management of blood sugar levels and fat storage. Sono ottimi digestivi a base di numerose erbe e spezie, in America latina, in Portogallo e in Spagna, oltre ai due tipi tradizionali esiste anche l'elisir de … The production process usually consists of two phases: infusion, during which different aromas macerate in alcohol, blended with sugar syrup, and distillation. They are still much less sweet than international cocktails. It is based on an original, secret recipe dating back to the year 1525. Il suo consumo è radicato nella cultura italiana e mondiale come dopocena o come aperitivo in ogni stagione dell'anno. (liqueurs, liquors, amari, aperitifs and digestifs). A questo, si aggiungono zuccheri e aromi. Registered users may modify their preferences on the page "MY ACCOUNT". The three most popular are dry, sweet and medium. Digestivi: popular Italian digestifs are the grappa, amaro and amaretto, centerba, strega, genepi and sambuca. Aromi per liquori tradizionali italiani; Estratti di cacao, caffè, liquirizia ecc. Arte distillatoria che era già nota agli Egiziani, i quali sapevano che alcol evapora a temperatura diversa dall’acqua e che poi da vapore ritorna allo stato liquido, ma che divenne “scienza” solo quando Geber inventò l’alambicco nell’ottavo secolo dopo cristo. I liquori italiani si producono distillando delle erbe aromatiche. Herbal on the nose and almost medicinal on the palate, the resulting amari were originally portioned out as a treatment for ailments ranging from an upset stomach to cholera. It is made of brandy, flavored with orange essence and vanilla. Digestivi are meant to be consumed slowly, sipped while relaxing after a delicious meal. The first slow traveler’s guide to Italy and the Italian way of life. Tuaca is usually chilled and consumed neat, but it can also be mixed in cocktails. Se la prima categoria dei liquori ricostituenti ha ormai perduto tutto il suo antico fasto riciclando i prodotti sotto una veste leggermente diversa, la seconda dei liquori digestivi non conosce crisi d’immagine ed anzi tutt’oggi le persone consumano determinate bevande alla fine di un buon pasto con il pensiero che aiuteranno la digestione. The rounded taste is smooth, but sharp with a surprisingly persistent aroma despite the moderate alcohol content. Fernet is a type of amaro, aromatically flavored with over 40 herbs and spices, among which saffron. Most amari are bitter and sweet, sometimes syrupy, although there are also dry amari, such as the Amaro Averna, produced in Sicily. Join our large community of over +75,000 followers on Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, Linkedin, Google+ and Instagram: Slow Italy® is the first slow traveler’s guide to Italy and the Italian way of life. It is made of sugar, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, maces, coriander, anise flowers, orange zest and vanilla, and other herbs. The product was previously known as “Amaretto di Saronno” (Amaretto from Saronno) before it was changed to the current name “Disaronno Originale”, for marketing reasons. It is made from lemon zest, alcohol, water, and sugar. After a 1,000 km road trip in a sanctuary of peace and silent poetry, here are 15 reasons to visit Molise, More than any other city in Italy, Trieste is inextricably linked to the world of coffee. Ma ora andiamo avedere come è composta questa classifica e quali sono gli amari Italiani che ne fanno parte. Liquori digestivi e creme di liquori ideali dopo il pranzo di Natale Una delle dolci abitudini degli italiani è quella di chiudere i pranzi e/o le cene con il sorso di un liquore. Etymologically the term is related the Latin word aperire ‘to open’. I liquori sono bevande alcoliche, con gradazione superiore a 20 gradi, preparati combinando alcol, di solito brandy, e aromatizzato con frutta, erbe aromatiche, spezie, frutta secca, fiori, crema, caffè o cioccolato imbottigliato con aggiunta di zucchero. Disaronno is a brand of Italian liqueur is an infusion of apricot kernel essential oil flavored with seventeen selected herbs and fruits. Liquori E Cocktail Limoncello Bevande Liquori Bevande Italiane Idee Alimentari Pasti Italiani Cibo Ricette Ricette Preferite Limoncello ricetta amalfitana il ricettario di Sabrina Il limoncello è forse il liquore più famoso in Italia e il più semplice da realizzare, se possediamo i … Since the 18th c. the town has been the Mediterranean’s main coffee harbor. As Mirto is always served very chilled, it is usually kept in the freezer for ideal serving temperature. Slow Italy explores different ways to (re)discover Italy, which are both inspiring and more sustainable, by creating benefits for the local communities and diverting travelers away from the usual, saturated tourism hot spots. Hanno rubato la scena agli altri spirits nel mondo della mixology e fatto il loro ingresso nei menu dei ristoranti stellati. The infused brandy is then sweetened with sugar syrup and aged for a few weeks up to a few years. You can’t go wrong, but if you have any questions, our knowledgeable staff will be ready with suggestions. Tuaca is an amber-colored, sweet liqueur, originally from Livorno, but since 2010 produced by the Tuaca Liqueur company of Louisville, Kentucky. Zanin Distilleria. Salute! Liquori digestivi La liquoristica italiana ha una lunga tradizione. The sweet distillate is produced from a special type of cherries known as Marasca, which gave the liqueur its name. Some of them are consumed as aperitifs, some as digestives, rarely as both, and some are paired with specific dishes or used in cooking. The components are infused in larchwood, after which the product is distilled in small copper pot stills. It can be found natural or with various flavors (pears, prunes, and herbs). If you are a digestivo beginner, we recommend that you: Stock your shelves with an amaro from our wine shops. Vermut or Vermouth: is an aromatized wine, with an alcohol content between 15,5% and 22%, an prime ingredient of many cocktails, Note that the Italian term “vermut” is legally reserved to beverages with an alcohol content of at least 15,5%, and 18% for the dry ones. The name is a diminutive of the Italian amaro, meaning “bitter,” indicating the distinctive flavor. Abbiamo scelto per voi alcuni piccolissimi produttori artigianali che fanno della qualità e del rispetto della tradizione il loro biglietto da visita. Digestivi (“digestives,” in English) are often in the class of amari, or Italian bitters. Invece, nei distillati, questa aggiunta non c’è. Digestivi alcolici, liquori e distillati da cocktail e da fine pasto pregiati preparati con ingredienti selezionati. Amari Digestivi . Uno tra i più antichi liquori del mondo, nato in Francia nel 1700, viene preparato in due versioni: tipo giallo dal sapore amabile, o verde, più alcolico. Typical (alcoholic) Italian drinks include Italian liquors, liqueurs, vermouths, fortified wines, dessert wines and grappas. 1. Stock your shelves with an amarofrom our wine shops. Campari (a sweet-bitter, red vermouth) was created in Milan. Il liquore è una bevanda composta da alcol, zucchero e acqua, aromatizzata con ingredienti ed estratti vegetali. The drink is enjoyed neat, on the rocks, with coffee or in a wide variety of stylish cocktails. Per apprezzarne le sfumature mediterranee, sorseggiatelo miscelato con due parti di succo di arancia rossa siciliana, ghiaccio e qualche fogliolina fresca di menta e timo. Despite its characteristic bittersweet almond taste the product does … A special type are the amari centerbe each of which has a proprietary formula that generally includes various herbs, roots, leaves, barks, flowers and spices that are believed to have stomach-settling properties. Questa edizione speciale del Vecchio Amaro del Capo Riserva del Centenario è un pezzo immancabile se sei un collezionista e se ti ami circondare di liquori e digestivi della migliore qualità. It is based on an original, secret recipe dating back to the year 1525. Genoa, like Turin, is one of these fascinating Italian cities that remain off the tourist radar. Southern Calabria is known for amari spiked with bergamot flowers, while the rhubarb typical to northern Lombardia is the bitter flavor of choice. Located at 10 km of Turin, the Basilica of Superga, site of a regal vow and of a terrible tragedy, is one of these sites where history and story meet. DRINK SHOP STORE offre la più grande selezione di Vodka delle principali distillerie storiche che rappresentano gli Amari e Digestivi nel mondo dei distillati. Ancora una volta dobbiamo riconoscere merito ai monaci, che nel Medioevo, sperimentarono con alambicchi per creare elisir medicamentosi e così perfezionarono l’arte distillatoria. Therefore, the bottling process is very important and the bottle is made of thick glass capable of withstanding very low temperatures. Il top tra i migliori amari del 2020 venduti online è il Vecchio Amaro Del Capo di Caffo, un liquore che vede l’unione di tante radici e fiori, oltre naturalmente alle erbe officinali, che sono pensate per aiutare a velocizzare il processo digestivo. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Its production remains in Saronno, but the product is sold worldwide. It is used in liqueurs and herb liqueurs as well and during the English colonization India, it was added to mineral water to prevent malaria. Nasce in Sicilia a fine ‘800. Mentuccia, a delicious mint liquor based on an infusion of mentuccia (Calamintha nepeta, known as lesser calamint) produced in Frosinone and consumed neat, in a chilled glass, or on the rocks. Alchermes: an intensely scarlet red-colored Italian liqueur that was very popular in Firenze at the time of the Medici. La brezza di scirocco avvicina all’olfatto l’odore silvestre della pineta, mentre le cicale friniscono sotto la canicola. La storia degli aperitivi e dei digestivi va a pari passo con quella dei liquori. More about Italian aperitifs and sweet dessert wines: Italy’s aperitivo culture and Italian cocktail drinks. Despite its characteristic bittersweet almond taste the product does not contain any almonds or other nuts. And thus, the delicious Italian digestivo tradition was born. The most famous one being the amaretto di Saronno. Sign up for our newsletters and be the first to learn about the latest news and promotions! La Nostra Nazione è molto famosa nel mondo del bere, soprattutto per la produzione di Vini, per gli Aperitivi e soprattutto per i digestivi. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any part of the site’s contents without written and express permission from the owner is prohibited. Acquista online dall’assortimento di amari e liquori che abbiamo selezionato per te. It was named after its inventor, Davide Campari who invented his drink in a Caffè at Piazza del Duomo in 1860. Today, Italy boasts hundreds of varieties of amari; each producer jealousy guards its secret recipe, often passed down from generation to generation. Two varieties of mirto exist: Mirto rosso (red), the most popular one, which is made with the berries and is sweet, and Mirto bianco (white), which is obtained from the leaves. Cinzano, which also originated in Turin, is a sweet or dry vermouth (bitterer than Martini). Temperatura di servizio consigliata: inferiore a 0°. It is used both as a digestif and as an ingredient for cocktails. Disaronno Amaretto is one of the few Italian drinks that is used both as an aperitif and digestif, stand-alone or as an ingredient in some cocktails, or, more commonly in coffee-based drinks. It may be served neat or on the rocks. Over time, Italians began to serve amari after meals; it was thought that the bitter taste cued the body to accelerate digestion. The best limoncello is made with the lemons of Amalfi. Amari Digestivi . (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Italy is not only famous for its delicious cuisine, iconic dishes and excellent wines, but also for its aperitivo culture, and its amazing choice of digestivi (digestive drinks). Frangelico is a traditional hazelnut liqueur from Piedmont, made of local hazelnuts infused in a solution of alcohol and water, part of which is distilled and later added to the infusion. Un Amaro, o bitter, è una bevanda spiritosa dal gusto prevalentemente amaro, ottenuta da varie droghe vegetali, e usata, per le sue proprietà eupeptiche, come aperitivo o anche, se più ricca di alcol, come digestivo. Un aperitivo che non può mancare durante i tramonti estivi. O meglio, credo di dover usare l’imperfetto, si servivano. It can be served undiluted or mixed with mineral water, soda or white wine.For Campari-based cocktails, see: Italian cocktail drinks. (see futher). Far from the crowds and the usual archaeological sights and main cities, Sicily still reserves any number of hidden treasures. Ecco i liquori digestivi della tradizione amalfitana: Concerto Liquore estremamente denso composto da liquirizia, finocchietto, cannella, e altre erbe e spezie. The term derives from the word alquermes, from the arabic al-qirmiz, meaning ‘scarlet’. All content on this website, including graphics, articles and photographs, is copyright of Slow Italy®. I liquori di Sardegna. Photographs used on this website by permission or license remain the property of their respective owners. Dalle opinioni risulta che nessuno degli appassionati di Vecchio Amaro del Capo se l’è lasciato scappare. For Martini cocktails, see Italian aperitivi and cocktails. White Sambuca is the traditional and generally more popular variety, with a mellower licorice taste and lighter colored body than that of black sambuca, which is deep blue in color or red sambuca which is bright red. Amaretto di Sassello is an Italian sweet liqueur from Sassello in the province of Savona, Liguria. List of Italy’s pre- and after-dinner drinks, (liqueurs, liquors, amari, aperitifs and digestifs), Photo credits: all photos © Slow Italy, except (from top to bottom), Centerbe by. I più esigenti e cultori in materia non si lasciano invece sfuggire il doppio passaggio: vale a dire caffè e ammazzacaffè. Our Complete Guide to Italian craft beers, Nardò, the big-hearted, sleeping beauty (Salento, Puglia), Italia Sparita – A Story about Little Things and Big Emotions, How Slow is Slow ? A liquor is an unsweetened distilled alcoholic beverage, such as grappa (or gin, tequila, for example). Un ricco assortimento di amari e liquori. Not to be confused with amaretto, see below. In recent years it has also been used as an ingredient for cocktails all over the world. Photo credits: all photos © Slow Italy, except (from top to bottom), Centerbe by Dan Leone; Fernet poster by fixedgear; Maraschino by WillCookforFriends; Strega by Carmine Savarese. Note the difference between a liquor and a liqueur, which even in English are often confused. Galliano is a sweet, anise-flavored herbal liqueur created in 1896 by Arturo Vaccari, an Italian distiller of Livorno, Tuscany. Maraschino, an Italian cherry liqueur produced according to an original recipe dating from 1821. By the founder of, who has been promoting a slow and deeper way of traveling in Italy since 2005. To contact us please use our contact form. The five picturesque villages, known as the Cinque Terre, count among the most scenic and colorful villages of Italy. In Italy, the ideal meal begins, develops, and ends with an array of drinks, each with a particular purpose for each course.You may recall our introduction to the aperitivo, an oft-effervescent drink that “opens” the palate before a meal. Apparently, Italians already knew what recent research has demonstrated, that when mouse gut cells are stimulated with bitter elements they trigger secretion of a hunger hormone. It is also a key ingredient in some Italian dessert recipes, such as tiramisù, chocolate mousse or fruitcakes. (Rant, thoughts and what Slow Italy stands for), on Italy’s most awe-inspiring, smaller lakes you’ve probably never heard of, on Top 15 reasons that make Molise the new coolest region to visit in Italy, 10 Reasons why Turin should be on your Italy bucket list, 10 reasons to visit Genoa next time you are in Italy, Top 10 Historic cafés and pastry shops in Trieste, Not just blondes! Alternatively you can drizzle Disaronno over vanilla ice cream for a simple yet stunning dessert. For a complete guide to Italy’s aperitivo culture and cocktails drinks, see Italian aperitivi and cocktails, List of Italy’s pre- and after-dinner drinks Liquori Amari Aperitivi. A sheer variety of digestive beverages are available in Italy, ranging from liquors, such as grappa, to liqueurs, alcohols infused with herbs, or other aromas, such as amari. I liquori che si servono a fine pasto. Like other Italian products, amari flavors tend to vary from region to region. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Most of the famous Italian aperitifs and pre-dinner cocktails are relatively bitter in taste (as compared to international standards). Liquori italiani: le caratteristiche e quali sono i migliori. Troverai il liquore al cacao, dal sapore morbido e avvolgente, il liquore alla liquirizia e altri ottimi digestivi come il limoncello e il mirto: tutto con la tipica qualità che contraddistingue Eataly. Sambuca is an Italian anise-flavoured liqueur, produced from the infusion of witch elder bush and licorice, sweetened with sugar and enhanced with a combination of herbs and spices. Fragolino, similar to limoncello, but strawberry-flavored. È sorprendente scoprire la varietà di liquori e amari che l’Italia produce e consegna al resto del mondo; anche se non tutti i paesi conoscono l’usanza dell’aperitivo o del digestivo da bere dopo cena, la diffusione di queste abitudini sta lentamente modificando la percezione dell’Italia all’estero: non solo cibo di prima qualità, ma anche liquori di pregio. Latte di Suocera Amaro Digestivo alle Erbe 70° vd104. Limoncello is traditionally served chilled as an after dinner digestivo. A combination of sugar and water is added before bottling. It contains aromatic herbs, sugar and safran. Così, … I liquori artigianali 100% italiani, una vasta scelta di liquori, creme di liquore, amari e distillati. Nocino or Nocello is a dark-colored walnut- and hazelnut-flavored liqueur from Modena, Emilia-Romagna. Ottimi da soli, perfetti da mixare per creare drink e cocktail sempre nuovi e accattivanti. It is also used to make the famous “caffè corretto”, a coffee spiked with liqueur. Relegati per decenni al ruolo di comprimari, un semplice fine pasto in bar e trattorie di paese, gli amari italiani si sono presi la loro rivincita negli ultimi anni. Brillat-Savarin, nel suo “Fisiologia del Gusto”, scriveva che «la padrona di casa deve sempre accertarsi che il caffè sia eccellente, e il padrone di casa che i liquori siano di prima scelta». Filtra. A liqueur is usually sweet and prepared by infusing neutral spirits with sugar, herbs, spices, or fruit and flavoring agents, such as limoncello, amaretto, nocino, etc. Spend just $99.00 more and enjoy free shipping. Copyright © 2015 - 2019 Eataly Net USA LLC - All Rights Reserved, Ravioli di Zucca (Butternut Squash Ravioli Recipe). on Not just blondes! In Italia sono la categoria dei cosiddetti digestivi, oppure degli amari. Discover our digestivi in the wine shops: find your local Eataly. As most Martini varieties have an alcohol content of 14,4% the term “vermut” no longer appears on the bottles. After your next multi-course meal, pour your guests and yourself small glasses of the room-temperature drink. Sweet drinks and cocktails, on the contrary, tend to spike and dip appetite, they also decrease metabolic efficiency, prompting the body to store more fat. Some of the most beautiful villas on the Amalfi Coast, Lake Como, Capri, in Tivoli, Tuscany and the Castelli Romani. Read more. Liquori e digestivi Le preziose essenze e sapori di erbe, fiori, radici e frutti vengono estratte in alcool biologico. I liquori italiani più buoni in una gamma che varia a seconda del costo, del grado alcolico, dell'aroma e del gusto (alle erbe, agli agrumi siciliani, alle mandorle, al cioccolato, al pistacchio). Amari are made by infusing grape brandy with a blend of herbs, flowers, aromatic roots and bark, citrus peels, and spices. Elisir, liquori e digestivi di montagna Preparare un liquore in modo casalingo è un’operazione piuttosto semplice e non richiede particolare esperienza o attrezzature. In questo modo si sprigiona il loro particolare aroma naturale. Qui potete trovare la nostra selezione di liquori digestivi artigianali. You can’t go wrong, but if you have any questions, our knowledgeable staff will be ready with suggestions. Strega is a yellow, sweet liqueur with a slight aftertaste of anice. Perché con la faccenda dei controlli stradali, il consumo di liquori … Its scarlet color is obtained by the addition of cochineals. As you grow to love the digestivo tradition, expand your selection of amari, bottle by bottle. Da quel momento iniziarono le prove, veri e propri esperimenti. Aperol is an Italian brand of aperitif from the Campari company, which is made of bitter orange, gentian and rhubarb. It has a high alcoholic percentage and is transparent as water. Anche se sappiamo che Egizi, Greci e Romani erano soliti insaporire il vino con erbe aromatiche e medicinali, furono i monaci in epoca medievale i veri e propri cultori della tradizione liquoristica, che si è poi ben radicata nel nostro Bel Paese . Nocello is similar in taste to Frangelico, with a sweet, rounded and balanced walnut flavour with vanilla tones. Gli utenti fanno notare che ci sono grosse differenze tra l’assaggio a tempera… The solution is blended with natural extracts such as cocoa and vanilla. A quick guide to Italy’s aperitif and digestif terminology.