Unlike her time with Phineas, Isabella shows no romantic interest in Ferb, although she does like him as a friend. Personal Information The Phineas and Ferb Wiki is not endorsed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with The Walt Disney Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates. ", and then she kisses Phineas, knowing that their memories will be erased soon thereafter. Isabella as she appears in Take Two with Phineas and Ferb. (", Isabella can be less than 12 because she said she couldn't wait until junior high. Buford once tried using Isabella's phrase but Isabella elbowed him before he could finish. Quote No que vai para o ensino médio, Isabella desiste de Phineas, percebendo que ele não tem interesse nela. When he puts the settings back to normal, the device overloads from an excessively cute signal. In addition, Isabella's mother. "Hey, Phineas. Background information Sie ist an den meisten Projekten der beiden beteiligt und wirkt bei deren Umsetzung oftmals maßgeblich mit. This makes Baljeet mad, showing he may have a crush on her ("Ask a Foolish Question"). Isabella frequently participates in Phineas and Ferb's projects, assisting in construction and maintaining order. ("Gaming the System"), Isabella has a monopoly of the catchphrase, "Whatcha doin? The marriage of Phineas and Isabella "Well Ferb, the day is finally here." Her pajamas are light purple with darker purple stripes, and she wears a her bow. color: '#FFFFFF' Underneath is a red bow. She can also be seen with eyebrows throughout most of Seasons 3 and 4 onward, in episodes such as ", She and Phineas are the only characters who have been seen in more ages than anyone else. Isabella has a huge crush on Phineas (though he doesn't even notice it, as revealed through his actions throughout the show and confession in "Act Your Age", and it is shown that his ignorance annoys her when her head "blows up" in Paris, France) and spends most of her days participating or helping with his and Ferb's projects. Isabella is a girl that lives across the street from Phineas and Ferb. Final Appearance: To join, simply sign your name below with four tildes (~~~~) Bowser101 ~~Zacbio (I have a crush on Isabella! Something else to take into account is that Phineas had just agreed to sacrifice remembering the "best day ever" so that Perry could remain his pet. Her friendship with Phineas has somewhere along the way deepened into love and he is now her crush. • "Atlantis" • "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!" This is needed to get 100% for the game. Sometimes, she gets annoyed Ferb goes with Phineas because she only wants to spend time with Phineas. She plays Afghan Hound in The Children Show (The Muppet Show) She sometimes disguises her affection for him (but very rarely) like hugging him in a crowd when everyone is hugging Perry, ("Oh, There You Are, Perry"). As a baby, she wore a pink t-shirt and had her hair tied in a straight bun. Ela se torna uma jovem muito ocupada, trabalhando em tempo parcial na cafeteria de sua mãe (Cafeteria México-Judaica), ocupada com o tim… Isabella is upset as Phineas doesn't pay attention to her. Home And Ferb responds, "No, I guess not. Her friendship with Phineas has somewhere along the way deepened into love and he is now her crush. Although, She is Currently Voiced By Kaitlyn Robrock. There is also evidence of her being Mexican. This is also hinted when Baljeet asked Isabella if he made a good Phineas, she responds with "No, no you weren't" ("Not Phineas and Ferb"). "Calm down, girls. Nationality: Ferb has also demonstrated awareness of Isabella's affection for Phineas; after Ferb helped Phineas throw a party for Isabella when Phineas offered her ice cream with Ferb, he left to have Phineas and Isabella have some alone time together. Isabella is sweet, caring, slightly sarcastic, determined and also very helpful, always spending her time getting the Fireside Girls to help Phineas and Ferbwith their projects. At some point in her life, (possibly when she was younger, as she is seen going to their backyard as a child in Act Your Age,) she met and became friends with two boys her age who lived across the street from her, Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher. Upon this discovery, Ferb turned around and winked at Isabella, the latter being stunned at the possibility that she might marry someone else other than Phineas. The bow is thought to be her trademark, and she has only been seen without it on a few occasions, but not without it on her head. She spends most of her days visiting Phineas and Ferb's backyard, participating or helping with Phineas and Ferb's projects. Doof believes that because he is older, he should be the leader, despite his clear incompetence. She's the leader of Fireside Girls Troop 46231, and often volunteers to help in Big Ideas, usually with her troop being involved. She, like all the others, including Candace and Stacy, agree to have their memories removed instead of losing Perry to be relocated, once they are on the top floor of Doof-1's building. This may indicate that Ferb harbors a bit of affection for Isabella, though it's more likely that Ferb just fancies himself a ladies' man ("Thaddeus and Thor"). Isabella Garcia-Shapiro is a featured article, which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. She is level-headed and responsible in the face of emergencies and dislikes being told what to do by anyone, with the exception of Phineas. Plot summary. Isabella has an obvious crush on Phineas. Allies She comes over every day just to see him, as seen in the song "What'cha Doin?". However, Phineas would catch up to her shortly afterwards and they would share their first kiss. Firework: Celebrate the Magic She gets very upset if someone says it except for Phineas, and she does not let anyone say it to Phineas . However, after time-traveling to the future, she learned that she might marry either Phineas or Ferb ("Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo"). De Plane!" Student (on vacation), Fireside Girls troop leader, athlete, mechanic, engineer, musician, astronaut, singer, journalist, flight attendant, waitress(alternate universe) Pilot Another is when she isn't a subject of attention. Personality Mexican-American width: 290, Isabella tiene cabello negro, y usualmente viste un vestido rosa, con una camisa blanca y un lazo rosa en su cabello. Relatives }).render().setUser('PnF_Wiki').start(); her Lost in Danville Dimension counterpart, Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against the Universe. Synopsis. Isabella Garcia-Shapiro ¿Eres nuevo en este Wiki?, ¡entra aquí! Isabella Garcia-Shapiro is the across-the-street neighbor and good friend of Phineas and Ferb. When Isabella and several others were lined up to have their memories of witnessing Perry as a secret agent erased, she kissed Phineas less than a second before the Amnesia-Inator was to be activated. Inspiration When Phineas does not notice her, people using her catchphrase (unless it is Phineas), discrimination towards girls Then Phineas ran up next to her, having a small mental breakdown, desperately thinking of an idea to get off of the island. — Isabella to Fireside Girls Troop 46231, "Oh, you're just too stressed. Vivian Garcia-Shapiro (mother)Mr. Garcia-Shapiro (father) ("Out of Toon", "Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You!"). Isabella joins Phineas, Ferb, Baljeet, Buford, Irving, Candace, and Jeremy in a fight against a future Emperor Doofenshmirtz 3 years after the events of If Summer Only Lasted One Day. As sweet and adorable as Isabella is, she gets angry fairly easily. She has been seem helping out with some guests (such as getting a soccer ball to one) and screaming with others. She was seen as a toddler and preschooler in ", She gets afraid if she can't earn a patch. She can also dance like a prima ballerina ("Let's Bounce"). Look-alikes: Thought it was not specifically stated that she will marry Phineas, as she says, it is the most reasonable and logical conclusion given that they start dating in Act Your Age ("Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo"). La parte musical de la serie. She wore a bright purple belt with a large oval belt buckle over her pants, and a matching strap slung over her shoulder. She wears an orange beret with a red bow in the front. As seen in ". Her shoes are red with yellow laces. Good From left to right: Isabella as a young adult, teenager and child. Biography. She uses her position as Fireside Girls troop leader to stay near him and participate in his Big Ideas, under the guise of earning the "Help Thy Neighbor" patch (which she has earned at least 52 times). new TWTR.Widget({ Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension, Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe, Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension, the background info section of that page for the full list, http://blog.al.com/entertainment-press-register/2008/05/disney_animator_sees_summers_i.html, https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Isabella_Garcia-Shapiro?oldid=4342977. Entertainment: Phineas and Ferb's Rockin' Rollin' Dance Party Friends: Unlike her mother, she speaks fluent English with a perfect American accent. • "Just Passing Through" • "Candace's Big Day" • "I Was a Middle Aged Robot" • "Suddenly Suzy" • "Undercover Carl" • "Hip Hip Parade" • "Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers" • "Ain't No Kiddie Ride" • "Not Phineas and Ferb" • "Phineas and Ferb-Busters!" hashtags: true, Isabella is a young girl with a tiny nose, deep blue eyes, and long, straight black hair with short bangs. This has been demonstrated when she showed concern for Candace, who was too nervous to call Jeremy and ask him out, when she snapped Phineas and Ferb out of their hypnotic dullness, and when she stopped telling Phineas her feelings about him to help Ms. Feyersied. Phineas hardly touched his food, he was to busy watching Isabella, his new wife. Also, she was the only one who persuaded Phineas and Ferb to "think creative" in order to save Candace from falling. They bonded over a shared sense of humor and were eventually paired as a writing team on Rocko's Modern Life for Nickelodeon where they learned more aspects of the animation production business.It was during this time that the pair started to develop a show that would allow them to continue working together as writers. Isabella rất thích Phineas, tuy nhiên cô bé chưa dám nói ra. This is compared to Ferb, whose voice started out somewhat high then became deeper. • "That's the Spirit" • "The Curse of Candace" • "Escape from Phineas Tower" • "Lotsa Latkes" • "Ferb Latin" • "A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas" • "Tri-Stone Area" • "Doof Dynasty" • "Excaliferb" • "Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon" • "Monster from the Id" • "Gi-Ants" • "The Remains of the Platypus" • "Mom's in the House" • "Perry the Actorpus" • "Let's Bounce" • "Bully Bromance Break Up" • "Quietest Day Ever" • "Doonkleberry Imperative" • "Meapless in Seattle" • "Delivery of Destiny" • "Buford Confidential" • "The Mom Attractor" • "Cranius Maximus" • "Agent Doof" • "Minor Monogram" • "What a Croc!" You should take a moment to relax and enjoy it." In Season 3, she only wore it in 5 episodes. Isabella has shown at least twice that she has a devious streak, taking advantage of a situation for her own benefit. In the Howie Mandel episode, she accidentally broke a window while trying to get a baton to him. When everyone is on the inventions in the Robot Riot scene of the film, Isabella helps destroy 18 Norm Bots using the horse she rode in "Ain't No Kiddie Ride" (which was destroyed) by hitting one of them in the front, of which then smashed into the others. In most of the first season, Isabella's voice is somewhat low, but for the rest of the series, her voice is high-pitched. In the episode "Ferb Latin", Phineas and Isabella danced and sang together while singing the "Ferb Latin" song about the new language, Ferb Latin, and he smiled at her sweetly.They also touched their shoes while singing the song. She isn't seen again until the four are at the park while Phineas, Ferb, Perry and Heinz are in 2nd Dimension with Buford, who considers not returning a serve is a forfeit in platypult badminton. She appears to be very physically capable, being a fast runner ("Candace Loses Her Head", "Journey to the Center of Candace"), and also remarkably strong, having been able to hurt Buford by elbowing him and crushing a pencil. Isabella has a huge crush on Phineas. • "Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown Hosted by Kelly Osbourne" • "Knot My Problem" • "Just Desserts" • "La Candace-Cabra" • "Happy Birthday, Isabella" • "Love at First Byte" • "One Good Turn" • "Mission Marvel" • "Thanks But No Thanks" • "Troy Story" • "Druselsteinoween" • "Terrifying Tri-State Trilogy of Terror" • "Face Your Fear" • "Cheers for Fears" • "Steampunx" • "Just Our Luck" • "Return Policy" • "Live and Let Drive" • "Phineas and Ferb Save Summer" • "Father's Day" • "Imperfect Storm" • "The Return of the Rogue Rabbit" • "It's No Picnic" • "The Klimpaloon Ultimatum" • "Operation Crumb Cake" • "Mandace" • "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars" • "Lost in Danville" • "The Inator Method" • "Night of the Living Pharmacists" • "Tales from the Resistance: Back to the 2nd Dimension" • "Doof 101" • "Act Your Age" • "Last Day of Summer" • "O.W.C.A. Occupation: Phineas feels bad about ditching her, and also says that he cannot tell her he is The Beak because she is "close to him" ("The Beak"). She's an excellent singer ("S'Winter", "The Magnificent Few", "The Ballad of Badbeard", "Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You! When Candace and Stacy get in the backyard, Isabella says she doesn't know where the platypult went, which was there a moment prior. She frequently participates in Phineas and Ferb's projects, usually assisting in spreading the word, construction, and maintaining order. Affiliations ("Robot Rodeo", "Put That Putter Away", "Day of the Living Gelatin", "Spa Day", "Fireside Girl Jamboree"," etc.) She watches Buford and Baljeet trade cards after Candace and Stacy go back to the Flynn-Fletcher house, of which that is where they stay until Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Agent P and Heinz 1 come back from dimension-traveling. MousekeDance It! A total of 37 episodes; she was absent for 11 episodes (and one 2-part episode) in, Her signature look and her Fireside Girl uniform switch on occasion as seen in the episodes ", She is the leader of Fireside Girls Troop 46231. Melissa saw Candace coming up and she hit the button that got the seven up into the real maze. Her last name is Shapiro, traditionally a Jewish name. timestamp: true, For more information, see the Phineas and Ferb and Isabella Garcia-Shapiro pages. She is level-headed and responsible in the face of emergencies and dislikes being told what to do by anyone, except Phineas. "Rollercoaster" Meanwhile Doofenshmirtz tries to take the christmas spirit out of Danville. and can play various musical instruments including: In addition to this, she can dance very well. As the troop's leader the Fireside Girls always follow Isabella's orders, always ready and willing to do whatever it takes to help their leader in helping Phineas and Ferb, even risking themselves to do it. ", "Suddenly Suzy", "Tri-Stone Area"), "Well, that's not the Phineas Flynn I fell in... to this situation with." Phineas and Ferb Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Alyson StonerJeff "Swampy" Marsh (Announcer voice in "It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World" and "For Your Ice Only")Laura Dickinson ("S'Winter" singing voice) Even so, they remained friends with the boys and squealed with delight when Phineas invited Isabella on a romantic cruise ("That Sinking Feeling"). Ferb is slightly irritated and gets mad when Phineas gets all of Isabella's and everyone else's attention and praise for being a superhero ("The Beak"), but it can be just the thought of him being the one who controls the lower half and saves Danville from the falling sign, but Phineas gets all the attention. It is also possible he was simply teasing her. Isabella is friends with Baljeet. ", "The Doof Side of the Moon"). Isabella is cheerful, fearless, quick-thinking, sweet, optimistic, caring, very helpful, and easy to get along with friends. Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension, Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together, "The Chronicles of Meap" Character Commentary, Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon, The Fast and the Ferbulous: Danville Drift, Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown, User:Topher208/Dan Povenmire Correspondence, http://blog.al.com/entertainment-press-register/2008/05/disney_animator_sees_summers_i.html, User:Ard11230/Swampy Marsh Correspondence#Relations, Fifty-two Girl Guides celebrated at the Isabella Award, https://phineasandferb.fandom.com/wiki/Isabella_Garcia-Shapiro?oldid=719090, Troop Leader Patch (This patch is a miniature version of the Fireside Girls emblem. As Isabella walks towards the stool to sing "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow", Phineas looks at her endearingly. Unlike her mother, she speaks fluent English with a perfect American accent. An example of this would be: "We'll - be - together - forever, - Isabella." Likes shell: { It is unknown when Isabella joined the Lil' Sparks and later the Fireside Girls, where she worked her way up to become a troop leader. She has shown this when Phineas expressed seeing Meap as cute but not her ("The Chronicles of Meap"), and when her Li'l Sparks men-tee, Melissa, showed Candace more attention and admiration than she did with her. Isabella is the last of Phineas and Ferb's friends to have a flashback showing her when she was younger. Dislikes ", "Wizard of Odd", "Rollercoaster: The Musical! Adyson Sweetwater | Holly | Katie | Milly | Ginger Hirano, Less than 15 (officially), but presumably between 7, Summer, less than 15 years before the current time of the show. One example of this is when Isabella and Phineas were alone in Paris looking for airplane parts, and Isabella was trying to be romantic with him,[4] but Phineas seemed utterly oblivious to her. However, she feels sad when Phineas can't notice her flirting with him ("Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo", "Isabella and the Temple of Sap", "Out to Launch", "Comet Kermillian", "Candace's Big Day", etc.). Before leaving Danville behind, Isabella returned to Maple Drive to say good-bye to Phineas, where he revealed that he had fallen for her during high school, even though he was also too afraid to admit his feelings. Isabella about to launch Phineas and Ferb into the skies of Danville in a scene from Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension. "), Isabella has shown that she is very clear-headed during emergencies. We're Fireside Girls Troop 46231 and we never give up!" • "Make Play" • "Candace Gets Busted" Phineas FlynnFerb FletcherBuford Van StommBaljeet TjinderGinger HiranoAdyson SweetwaterGretchenKatieMillyHolly Goal Isabella owns a chihuahua named Pinky, but is unaware that he is a covert O.W.C.A. Isabella in live form, as seen in Disney's Phineas and Ferb: The Best LIVE Tour Ever! In Southeast Asia, an award was named after her for patrol leaders who have the most numbers of badges earned and participation in regional and national activities. In this 2011 Disney Channel Original Movie, Isabella is first seen opening the back gate to the Flynn-Fletcher house and says her catchphrase. Isabella rarely wears her Fireside Girls uniform in Seasons 3 and 4. ("We Call it Maze"). Though admitting to being too young to legally drive, Isabella possesses remarkable knowledge over the anatomies of automobiles ("The Fast and the Phineas") and is capable of flying small jet aircraft, such as a fighter jet ("Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!"). Isabella's favorite kind of cake is red velvet. Isabella Garcia-Shapiro is the across-the-street neighbor and good friend of Phineas and Ferb. Finally, she has a pair of ma… Attends Tri-State State College after high school, begins a romantic relationship with Phineas and presumably marries him (series)Kisses Phineas and then voluntarily forgets about Perry's secret agent double life through the use of the Amnesia-Inator (film) Also, when a giant video game version of Buford was threatening her friends, Isabella bravely stood up to it and defeated a giant video game Buford with a digital camera. Season Four: "For Your Ice Only " • "Happy New Year!" Her last name is Shapiro, traditionally a Jewish name. ("The Monster of Phineas-n-Ferbenstein"). Its members are Gretchen, Milly, Ginger, Katie, Holly, and Adyson, who not only work diligently with Isabella to earn accomplishment patches, but consider her to be a good friend as well. ("Out of Toon", "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation! (", Isabella took down Mitch using only her extreme cuteness. While Phineas and Ferb get the bubble ready, Isabella and the Fireside Girls head out to the "Old Abandoned Amusement Park" where the maracanut tree is and try to get the sap from it. When Phineas constructs a device to find cute things to search for Meap, he says he took Isabella's into account and adjusted the settings accordingly ("The Chronicles of Meap"). Isabella as seen in the video games with Peter the Panda (in the Pandaborg outfit). Gender: Have you forgotten who we are? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Age: She is currently the leader of Fireside Girls Troop 46231. As a young adult, she wears her hair in a low ponytail held with a light purple bow. Isabella has displayed different skills and abilities as shown below. In such a scenario, she would express being annoyed and would often confront the violator physically. Alignment Nana Shapiro Also interesting: if he wasn't considering to remember the whole day, but at least keep this one memory, then it is technical proof that Phineas does want to be "more than just friends" with Isabella and wants to form a real relationship. Isabella kissing a snowman figure of Phineas. Baljeet says it once to Phineas, but Isabella was not around and he said, "I sounded just like Isabella". Wenn sie bei den Flynn-Fletchers ankommt, fragt sie als… It is most likely that he does not have affection for Isabella since he has more affection for Vanessa Doofenshmirtz ("I Scream, You Scream"). Danville Isabella is a non-playable character in both games but is seen off and on throughout the game. Guest Characters: Santa Claus • Kim Possible • Pinocchio • Baby Baboon • Thor Odinson • Spider-Man • Hulk • Iron Man • Red Skull • Nick Fury • Venom • Whiplash • MODOK, Season Two: "The Lake Nose Monster" • "Interview With a Platypus" • "Tip of the Day" • "Attack of the 50 Foot Sister" • "Backyard Aquarium" • "Day of the Living Gelatin" • "Elementary My Dear Stacy" • "Don't Even Blink" • "Chez Platypus" • "Perry Lays an Egg" • "Gaming the System" • "The Chronicles of Meap" • "Thaddeus and Thor" • "De Plane! She lives in Danville on Maple Drive with her mother. tweets: { An example of this is when she broke her pencil out of anger in ", Isabella is one of the playable characters in the, Isabella rarely says her catchphrase, "Whatcha doin'" in, Isabella is right-handed as she was writing using her right hand in ", Her prehistoric ancestor is a cave-girl named, Isabella dances around like a prima ballerina when she was jumping on the trampolines. She wore her hair in the same hairstyle when she was a young adult, but with a light blue bow. Isabella lives in Danville on Maple Drive with her mother in the house across the street from the Flynn-Fletcher house. loop: false, This was demonstrated when she showed concern for Candace Flynn, who was too nervous to call Jeremy Johnson and ask him out and when she snapped Phineas and Ferb out of their hypnotic dullness. She's usually fearless but she did get frightened during some episodes. She helps Phineas and Ferb work on a platypult, and after they work on it for a while, she noticed Perry was gone. She asks you to do a mission to get an item for the Museum of Cool. The character is named after series creator, Most of time in the end credits from Season 1 and the first half of Season 2, her name is misspelled as "Isabe, She is stated to have no eyebrows and is sensitive about it in the book. • "Fly On the Wall" • "Bully Bust" • "My Sweet Ride" • "Der Kinderlumper" • "Sidetracked" • "Primal Perry" • "Mind Share" • "Backyard Hodge Podge" • "Bee Day" • "Bee Story" • "Great Balls of Water" • "Where's Pinky?" Her Fireside Girls uniform is the same format as her normal clothing, with the exception that her jumper dress is half orange and half brown with a red belt around it. Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. When she was sick with salmonella, her hair was messy, and she was barefoot. Other names Resourceful versatility, intelligence, musical and mechanical inclination, athletic prowess There is a grey pocket hanging from the strap. ", and allows no one else besides Phineas to use it. In the book "Oh Christmas Tree!”, she wears a pink bow, a pink jacket, a white skirt, pink legwarmers, and white shoes, pink mittens and a pink/white earmuff with this outfit. Whatcha doin'?" Paraphernalia Unnamed ("Picture This", "A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas") Teenage Isabella For winter, she switches to a more mulberry colored jumper dress with a dark purple belt around, a white turtleneck sweater underneath, dark purple leggings with light pink stripes, and light purple fur boots. Voiced by: Isabella might be Major Monogram's daughter or stepdaughter. She looks just like her mother, only more slender and wears her hair down. Isabella is sympathetic and would aid people who are in need of it. Ze is stiekem verliefd op Phineas. Images of Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, the Fireside Girls troop leader from Phineas and Ferb. If he was about to request for their memories NOT to be erased, then in that split second, he was viewing his relationship with Isabella as more important than Perry's secret. Phineas and his ideas, soccer, sports, challenges, singing, playing instruments, dancing, learning and trying new things, her friends, earning Fireside Girl girl scout patches, juice boxes She does another flip below a Norm Bot that was just destroyed by her while she had a baseball launcher in her hands and told Ferb to help Phineas, saying she and the others will take care of the robots. For swimming, she wears a purple one-piece swimsuit and a purple bow. Isabella is very strong for a girl her age, as she is seen holding Phineas in her hands, can actually hurt Buford (a very tough bully) just by elbowing him, can lift a book that is much larger than her, with Baljeet's help, lift the seats from the Sun-Beater 3000 onto the paper airplane and is seen breaking a pencil with only her fist, and can also lift a heavy processor without help, which only she and Buford can lift it, while Baljeet just fell down.