Le frittelle di uva fragola sono insoliti dolcetti fritti che piaceranno molto ai golosi di questo frutto dal sapore acidulo e dall'aroma di fragola. Fried dough is just the best. […] Frittelle – Traditional Italian Christmas Eve Doughnuts – Christina’s Cucina […], […] 32. I would like to make them this Christmas Eve . HELLO, My grandmother made a zeppole or fried bread that was SAVORY and eaten during the meal…..it had lots of BLACK PEPPER, I think orange rind….jt was not meant for dessert or powdered sugar…..but I can’t find a recipe or anyone who has heard of this ….if anyone has information, please help. That’s what we called them as kids…my great grandma, Chiara Rotundo, made these and fried dough (“fritte”) every Christmas Eve, along with baccala cooked in tomato sauce served on perciatelli, tons of fried smelt and calamari and fried baccala, too. We called them “Rispells or Raspells” (which I am sure is a phonetic spelling). My mom would make what we call scrapelle every Christmas Eve. I still prepare the baccala (my dear dad is 87 & just loves it) and my 18 year old son helps with the smelts & the calamari…but I haven’t tried tackling the zeppole yet…now you have given me reason to try this next year! Correction – procedure for making savory frittelle is same but omit sugar, lemon, orange, raisins, and juices from recipe. It was quick and easy sweet treats when one craves for doughnuts! Per omaggiarle venivano preparate frittelle di frumento, mentre il vino scorreva a fiumi: si tratta probabilmente di uno dei tanti “riti di purificazione” in occasione dell’inizio della stagione agricola. La pastiera è un dolce pasquale partenopeo a base di pasta frolla ripiena ricotta, grano bollito e canditi. I’m sure it makes your dad happy, too! All the recipes that I’ve seen are totally different from the way my mom used to make them and I’m thinking that her recipe was truly regional and that I won’t find it elsewhere. So yummy! (2013, December 23). :), Isn’t it ridiculous? Did you try google? 23-set-2020 - Esplora la bacheca "Frittelle di patate dolci" di Silvia lenotti su Pinterest. I hope you give them a try as they are quite simple. They’re from Frosinone region. Le cartucce napoletane sono dei pasticcini a base di mandorle da scartare e da gustare insieme ad una tazza di tè! So cool that your grandmother called them the same as we do! Hi Gemini, Merry Christmas! had to dip in red wine to eat. Enjoy! My Aunts made these, I remember them being served on Christmas. I make these every Cristmas Eve. I hope you come back to let me know how they turned out! Le frittelle dolci alla zucca sono delle piccole golosità da preparare per la festa di Halloween, molto semplici da realizzare. A Napoli le pastacresciute sono un classico delle friggitorie, quelle con le vetrine a fronte strada, dove l'accoppiata vincente della frittura è quella di zeppol e panzarotti (cioè i crocchè di patate). What a lovely Christmas tradition! © 2021 Mondadori Media S.p.A. - via Bianca di Savoia 12 - 20122 Milano - P.IVA 08009080964 - riproduzione riservata, Le frittelle di mele sono un modo goloso per servire la frutta sia come dessert sia in abbinamento a secondi di carne di maiale! Let me know! Their hard as a rock very dark and round. 24-dic-2020 - Esplora la bacheca "Frittelle" di Clara Usai, seguita da 658 persone su Pinterest. da | Gen 24, 2021 | Senza categoria | 0 commenti | Gen 24, 2021 | Senza categoria | 0 commenti Christina, […] Oliebollen with currants or sultanas for New Year’s; jelly or jam in sufganiyot for Hanukah; frittelle during the month of Carnivale in […], My family adds cooked mashed potato to their batter!! A Carnevale ogni scherzo vale... ma questa volta non stiamo scherzando oggi vi proponiamo le frittelle dolci al forno, senza olio e più leggere! Will get back to you soon!! We’re from Calabria too, and we called them cudulluiri (not sure about the spelling), no lemon or orange but I’m adding it to my batch. Made with the mashed potatoes. 217 ricette: frittelle napoletane PORTATE FILTRA. So many things have so many different names, it doesn’t matter, just call them delicious! (Btw, my Nonna’s nickname was “Chiarina”! Your recipe is much closer to what I remember, so I am thrilled to have found it. ... Il babà al rum è uno dei dolci tipici napoletani, molto apprezzato grazie all'impasto soffice ma spugnoso che si impregna del delizioso liquore! Ingredienti •250 ml di acqua• •70 g di burro• •150 g di farina di grano tenero 00 per l'impasto e 30 g per la crema• •40 g di zucchero per l'impasto e 60 g per la crema• •3 … Scorri la top ten di dolci di Carnevale di Sale&Pepe e riscopri i piaceri dell'infanzia grazie alle ricette che ti proponiamo. If you have a cup of lead and a cup of feathers, they have the same volume, but NOT the same weight. The problem is the dough was already done so I helped her to fry it. Lots of people copy each others’ recipes, so God only knows the recipes that are out there. Wonderful, Denise! Questa è una preparazione tipica delle friggitorie napoletane, in quanto le zeppole fritte sono una specialità salata semplice e saporita, oltre al fatto che sono economiche e anche facili da fare. Thanks for the oil tip, we’ll try it on Thursday! It really is so tiring. ❤. We call them scapels. So sorry about your Dad, Patricia. Fantastic! CC. Fish. 1 sifter flour (about 6½c) Zeppole lunghe. Thank you so much! :), ….of course now I cannot remember what we called them…. Menu. Commento. Thanks for the recipe. Did you use fresh or dry yeast? Buon Natalè ! Ricette Napoletane. Never heard of them being made with potatoes! Enjoy and thanks for your note. No lemon or orange. How long does dough take to rise? Ecco la ricetta e le varianti con le patate. We lost him 4 years ago, and my niece has tried to carry on the tradition (although I didn’t get to try her version). Good luck, and hopefully someone might read this and has the proper recipe for you! Frittelle dolci di riso al profumo di limone, Frittelle di uva fragola con Brandy e cannella. I haven’t heard of spinghi, but Sicilian is soooo very different in their language than Italian, so I’m not surprised. Buon Natale, Dave! I am so glad to find your website. My grandmother called them torchinilla, too, and none of the zeppole recipes was even close until yours. Oh my. The only difference is that she would use tangerine juice rather than orange juice and she would use an assortment of liqueurs to put in the dough..not just rum. Chiacchiere, castagnole, ravioli dolci e tortelli, ogni regione italiana ha le sue tradizioni e i suoi dolci preferiti. Dolci Frittelle di mele Le frittelle di mele sono un modo goloso per servire la frutta sia come dessert sia in abbinamento a secondi di carne di maiale! Le frittelle dolci ripiene sono soffici, golose e facili da preparare con una crema al limone deliziosa all'interno. Reference Website. Merry Christmas! Queste semplicissime e croccanti frittelle Altoatesine, sono friabili e leggere si realizzano piuttosto velocemente e piaceranno a tutti ! I have no recipe for it. Campania Lievitati Ricette. Note: My Mother always had a saucer with oil nearby, she dipped her hand in to grab a piece of dough so that it would not stick. Ricette di cucina napoletana è un social chef dedicato al mondo della cucina napoletana. Thank you, Roseann! Thanks for letting us know, Raishah! How are we supposed to know anything when they keep changing it and doing things to our food supply? I’d do an image search and that way you might be able to spot the ones that look the most similar. 52 3,9 Facile 14 min Kcal 636 LEGGI RICETTA. Dall'impasto di acqua, farina, sale e un po' di lievito si ottengono frittelle soffici e belle gonfie. But I have no recipe with the precise amount of ingredients. 1 tbsp oil for each egg (scant 2/3c) I’ve never had mint and artichokes together before. :), […] Frittelle from Christina’s Cucina Slow Cooker Peanut Butter Clusters from Cooking With Carlee Butterscotch Peanut Butter Marshmallow Squares from My Kitchen Love Struffoli di Mamma: Cicerchiata from She Loves Biscotti Danish Dream Cake from Adore Foods […]. Fate raffreddare bene. If from Naples we call them Roccoco, not sure of spelling. Scorri la top ten di dolci di Carnevale di Sale&Pepe e riscopri i piaceri dell'infanzia grazie alle ricette che ti proponiamo. Primi Piatti. Reading some of the comments and seeing Crispelli, I figure it might be close. I love frittelle, they are similar to zepole I think. My daughters are out of town this week, so I am waiting for them to get home before making them. oh please tell me you know. Mozzarella. Lo abbiamo segnalato ora nella ricetta ;) Per il resto ci siamo ;) Inviato da magda il 05/03/2015 alle 16:48 La ricetta delle zeppole e sbagliata...manca sicuramente qualcosa.non si sono gonfiate per niente . My mother had taught me. Also, I don’t knead the dough at all, only mix it together. 01.11.2016 - Giuliana brinkmann hat diesen Pin entdeckt. Hi John! Help spread the word. Visualizza altre idee su ricette facili, ricette di cucina, ricette. DOLCI NAPOLETANI RICETTE TRADIZIONALI facili, raccolta di ricette facili da preparare, ricette napoletane, dolci buonissimi, alcuni più semplici altri meno o un po’ più lavorati. Graffe napoletane . Let me know if you do! I am very happy to have found your site, Thank you, Hi Angelina, I’m happy you found my site, too! L'impasto è reso soffice e morbido grazie all'aggiunta delle patate lesse e non vanno confuse con le graffe, che non prevedono l'aggiunta delle patate lesse. Liquori. We also called them something similar: phonetically “sfeengee.” She made anchovy-flavored ones. My children and grandchildren love these as part of our Christmas Eve dinner. Talmente buona che si gusta tutto l'anno. Ingredienti 250 g Farina 0 180 g Acqua 8 g Lievito di birra fresco 1/2 cucchiaino Sale q.b. Taste was there, flavor excellent a little heavy and yielded 16. I used a measuring cup, will try with a scale next time. They are, Rosina! My mother’s family was from Sicily. The frittelle will rise and cook quickly, so turn them as soon as they begin to brown on one side. so true! Best eaten the same day. These look rather dangerous – of course we couldn’t just eat one. The recipe I used called for confectioner’s sugar, but it seems as though it would have been better the way you suggest. I’ve never seen a recipe that my mom (and I) use for artichokes…have no idea where she got it. Leggi anche. Are you using canola oil? The recipe is the same except omit sugar in dough (add chopped anchovies) and do not powder with sugar after frying. Do you have the recipe. Gioie In Cucina . Cek 7 Resep Odading dari Mancanegara, Food in Fiction: Recipes Inspired by Literature | Literatures and Languages Library - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Italy Christmas Desserts : The Guide To Italian Christmas Desserts, Perfect Yeast Doughnuts, Sugar and Filled with Jam Nutella and Cream, The Guide To Italian Christmas Desserts - diyideas.website, Discover the Conejo Valley in Southern California - Christina's Cucina, Sweet Gingerbread Men | Farmersgirl Kitchen, Easy Christmas Desserts Everyone Loves 2019 - More Money Tips, https://www.christinascucina.com/lidias-mushroom-and-black-olive-stuffed/, Traditional Christmas Foods | Coffee With Us 3, Which of the world's fried doughs is the best fried dough? Italian Ricotta, Raisin and Chocolate Doughnuts (Frittelle Ricotta, Uvetta e Cioccolato), Traditional Italian Rice Fritters/Doughnuts for St. Joseph’s Day (Frittelle di Riso di San Giuseppe), Strawberry Granita (Frozen Strawberry Dessert) Sicilian-Style, 70+ Easy Christmas Desserts (that will surprise you) - Cooking Journey Blog, Zeppole di San Giuseppe (St. Joseph's Day Traditional Italian Pastries) - Christina's Cucina, Italian Christmas Desserts: 17 Of The Best Italian Dessert Recipes, Saatnya Ngalahin Mang Oleh! I prefer to weight ingredients as it’s always more accurate, but maybe add a little more water if it was too heavy. Yes, there are SO many different names for all these recipes, even villages a short distance apart will have different names, but one thing is: they are all delicious! :) CC. Thank you for this recipe. Personal Blog. My dad would love your savory version with the anchovies as he’s an anchovy nut! Anyone ever freeze the doughnuts after fried? ), Thanks so much for your lovely note and happy new year! Ricette di frittelle. now can you tell me how to make realy hard dark molasses, nut cookies that my grandfather Butta La Pasta vi offre un' ampia scelta di ricette. It works! Thank you Christina for the yummy recipe! Thanks! I have made these three times now, taste is perfect but dough is always tough. A Napoli le pastacresciute sono un classico delle friggitorie, quelle con le vetrine a fronte strada, dove l'accoppiata vincente della frittura è quella di zeppol e panzarotti (cioè i crocchè di patate). I only post authentic ones I know or have learned! Una ricetta perfetta per stupire i vostri ospiti, semplicità estrema per tanta bontà! Also, after 3 hours my dough didn’t rise exactly and it looked more like pizza dough, not as fluid. Un dolce tipico del capoluogo partenopeo, dove si possono trovare tutto l’anno, sebbene il periodo in cui vengono maggiormente preparate è quello di Carnevale. Popular Recipes. They are also called frittelle (Italian […]. That sounds like dialect for sure! | all new, A Collection of Authentic Italian Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Recipes - Christina's Cucina, https://www.christinascucina.com/frappe-or-cioffe-bows-and-ribbons-of/, A Taste of Sweet Italian Frittelle Doughnuts – Delights of Europe, https://christinascucina.com/2013/03/frappe-or-cioffe-bows-and-ribbons-of.html. I know what it’s like to find something you have looked for for ages! DOLCI NAPOLETANI RICETTE TRADIZIONALI facili, raccolta di ricette facili da preparare, ricette napoletane, dolci buonissimi, alcuni più semplici altri meno o un po’ più lavorati. Yes, I think they are the same as zeppole, Suzanne. I think you are referring to these, right? Le frittelle ricotta e pere sono dei dolcetti soffici, molto facili da preparare, una valida alternativa alle classiche frittelle di mele! Giallozafferano. I will definitely try your recipe. […] Christina. Every Christmas Eve morning my mom and I would make these together and I don’t have a written recipe..I do it now from memory. We make zeppole with salted cod. My Grandmother from the Abruzzi region made these which are fried donut shaped cookies with a glazed icing sugar coating. Test the oil by dropping a tiny piece of dough into it: if it doesn't begin to fry right away, the oil is too cold; if the dough browns too quickly, lower the heat as the oil is too hot. I never measure either but it’s a gamble with me though I am getting better at eyeballing it. Keep those traditions alive! FRITTELLE SALATE napoletane Una ricetta sfiziosissima! Walaupun kelihatan biasa saja, namun rasanya enak banget karena pakai parutan kulit dan jus jeruk. Oggi condivido con voi una ricetta della mia terra di origine a me tanto cara: le Pizzelle fritte, le classiche pizzette fritte napoletane con sugo di pomodoro, basilico e una spolverata di parmigiano, uno degli street food simbolo di Napoli. I’m so happy that you found them, Geri! :). frittelle salate con lievito per dolci. I think your “totchinilla” is the closest word I’ve found online that sounds similar. Definitely going to try making these. Will see what I can do! Graffe napoletane . Le strauben sono frittelle dolci tipiche tirolesi. They’d have to be cool to use powdered sugar, but just a preference I would assume. Zeppole napoletane salate RicettaSprint. If not, what type of oil? Scopri dosi e ricetta. They’ll be yucky for sure. They cooked up beautifully, so I can’t wait to make this recipe. These have such great memories for me. Let me know, CC. Dolci & Dolci. Are you sure it’s not been changed after coming to the US, Patricia? Is that familiar to you? Don’t do it, Linda. La preparazione è estremamente semplice, ma è necessario del tempo per far lievitare le frittelle dolci senza uova. Super airy and pillowy, love the addition of lemon juice and zest,just a hint of citrus,Lovely!! Le zeppole dolci, tipiche frittelle che nel Sud Italia si preparano in vista del Carnevale, non hanno praticamente bisogno di presentazioni: tutti le conoscono. She also made pizzelles and cioffe or bow-ties but I’d love the recipe for ginettes. Dolci. Il casatiello dolce e salato, la pastiera, il babà, il roccobabà e tanto tanto altro ancora! Una ricetta perfetta per stupire i vostri ospiti, semplicità estrema per tanta bontà! Dolci Caffè napoletano Il caffè napoletano è una specialità di molti bar di Napoli: caffè sormontato dauna golosa crema di nocciola. Enjoy! I can remember my grandma, Adeline, helping her the week before preparing the zeppole–there were bushel baskets of them. She made a fried dough with a mild anise flavor but no fruit that was rolled in plain granulated sugar. My mom made this dough exactly as you describe (I know that you and she are from the same area of Italy which explains it). Once they are cooked, remove them from the oil and place on paper-towel lined plate for a minute or two. Still have her old recipe in Italian. She called her fried dough “goo da di das” and they were always shaped like a looped ribbon (breast cancer style) another dialect I’m sure, but i wood love to know correct spelling and orgin, Hi Linda, I think you’ll find that there are hundreds of different names for that type of fried dough. Just a few potatoes and black pepper!! […] are Christmas Eve zeppole, too! Zeppole lunghe. No measuring necessary!