This came just five months after CCO Flávio Pestana quit for personal reasons. Nel fine settimana l’Italia ha vinto quattro ori, due argenti e due bronzi e si trova al quinto posto in classifica con un totale di 23 medaglie conquistate. These temporary meeting places for supporters, athletes and other followers were located throughout Rio de Janeiro. Le atlete russe Svetlana Romašina e Natal’ja Iščenko hanno vinto nella gara di nuoto sincronizzato, prolungando l’imbattibilità della Russia in questa disciplina, che dura dal 2000. Il Sito della Squadra Italiana alle Olimpiadi di Rio 2016. [85] According to their fictional backgrounds, the mascots "were both born from the joy of Brazilians after it was announced that Rio would host the Games". Calendario Olimpiadi 2016 Rio Brasile Le Olimpiadi numero 31 iniziano con la cerimonia di apertura di venerdì 5 agosto presso il famoso stadio Maracanã di Rio de Janeiro . [52] The tally for rugby was 81 in favor, with eight against,[53] and golf was approved by 63 votes to 26. [54] Neither of these two sports is new to the Summer Olympics; rugby last featured in 1924, and golf in 1904. Biles, tre volte campionessa del mondo di ginnastica artistica, è considerata la migliore ginnasta del mondo. Volunteers also wore photo accreditation badges which were allocated to officials, athletes, family members, and media, allowing them to gain access to specific venues and buildings around the site. Rapido perché siamo vicini alla partenza dell’evento che si terrà dal 5 al 21 agosto in Brasile. Intanto, dopo le polemiche sul doping, il Comitato olimpico ha detto: “Gli atleti devono rispettare tutti i loro avversari”. Rio's historical downtown underwent an urban waterfront revitalization project known as Porto Maravilha, covering 5 km2 (1.9 sq mi) in area. La cinese Ren Qian, invece, a soli 15 anni, ha vinto la medaglia d’oro nella gara di tuffi dal trampolino di 10 metri. A total of 7.5 million tickets were to be sold in total, with ticket prices ranging from BRL 40 for many events to BRL 4,600 for the most expensive seats at the opening ceremony. The names, which reference the co-writers of the song "The Girl from Ipanema", won over two other sets of names, tallying 44 percent of 323,327 votes. On 26 June 2011, it was reported on that Roderlei Generali, the COO of the Rio de Janeiro Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games, resigned just one year after taking the job at ROOC. Il Complexo do Alemão, nel quartiere nord della città, ospita 120mila persone, ed è uno dei luoghi più pericolosi del Brasile. Il video dell’Afp. Il Brasile, la nazione ospitante, l’8 agosto ha conquistato il suo primo oro nel judo femminile: l’ha vinto Rafaela Silva, 24 anni, residente a Cidade de Deus, una delle favelas più pericolose di Rio. [79], Indirect capital costs were not included, such as for road, rail or airport infrastructure, for hotel upgrades, or other business investment incurred in preparation for the Games but not directly related to staging the Games. [24][36], The Future Arena, the host of handball competitions, was designed as a modular temporary venue whose components can be reconstructed to build schools. The winner of the category again was NBC, this time for their piece on Wayde van Niekerk. Il campione di casa Thiago Braz da Silva ha conquistato il secondo oro per il Brasile, vincendo la gara di salto con l’asta. Vediamo come fare, e dove acquistare i biglietti nel modo più rapido e sicuro. Cos’è successo nel tredicesimo giorno di Olimpiadi, Cosa è successo nel dodicesimo giorno di Olimpiadi, Cosa è successo nell’undicesimo giorno di Olimpiadi, Simone Biles, la migliore ginnasta del mondo in quattro video, Cos’è successo nel sesto giorno di Olimpiadi, Cosa è successo nel quinto giorno di Olimpiadi, Alle Olimpiadi il doping è uno dei protagonisti peggiori, Cosa è successo nel quarto giorno delle Olimpiadi, Il golf torna alle Olimpiadi in cerca di un nuovo pubblico, Le Olimpiadi cominciano in un Brasile in crisi profonda, Gli atleti siriani non rinunciano alle Olimpiadi di Rio. Brasile Squadra nazionale » Rosa Giochi olimpici 2016 Rio de Janeiro. [87] The names of the mascots were determined by a public vote whose results were announced on 14 December 2014. The Best Olympic Sports Production was awarded to Beach Volleyball, produced by Geoff Johnson and directed by Greg Breakell and Gary Milkis. È la nazionale olimpica maschile con il maggior numero di medaglie (un oro, tre argenti, due bronzi) ai Giochi olimpici. Soc. 00993181007 Leggi, Comincia il 5 agosto a Rio de Janeiro, in Brasile, l’Olimpiade numero 31 dell’era moderna: la numerazione parte da Atene 1896 e questa è la prima volta che i giochi si svolgono in Sudamerica. Regalati o regala Internazionale. [18], The nine venues within the Olympic Park were:[19][20]. Il georgiano Lasha Talakhadze ha conquistato medaglia d’oro, record olimpico e record del mondo dopo aver sollevato in totale 473 chili nella gara di sollevamento pesi. [101] On 4 July 2019, it was reported that Cabral told a judge that the money paid to Diack was used to buy as many as nine votes. Additionally, expanding upon a 180-degree trial at the 2016 Winter Youth Olympics, 85 hours of video content were originated in 360-degree virtual reality formats. Le squadre azzurre continuano a vincere: la pallavolo maschile ha vinto contro l’Iran e giocherà la semifinale contro gli Stati Uniti e, nella pallanuoto femminile, il setterosa è in finale: il 19 contro si giocheranno l’oro contro le statunitensi. La nazionale argentina ha conquistato l’oro nell’hockey su prato, in finale contro il Belgio. Gelli defended the allegations, stating that the concept of figures linked in embrace was not inherently original, as it was "an ancient reference" and "in the collective unconscious". The commission made on-site inspections in the second quarter of 2009. Brasile PARTECIPAZIONI ALLE OLIMPIADI ESTIVE 211920, 1924, 1932, 1936, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 GRADUATORIA GENERALEOlimpiadi estive 37Olimpiadi invernali Medagliere complessivo 39 TOTALE MEDAGLIE CONQUISTATE 109 MEDAGLIERE ESTIVO ORO ARG BRO TOT TOTALE 23 30 56 109 ( 15 ) Anversa … Molti nuovi casi di doping tra il 2008 ed il 2012 prima delle Olimpiadi di Rio 2016 in Brasile. [110][111] On 2 September 2016, however, the World Health Organization reported that there were no confirmed cases of Zika among athletes or visitors during the 2016 Olympics. Gli azzurri continuano a vincere anche nella pallanuoto, sia il settebello sia il setterosa sono in semifinale. Doha was not promoted, despite scoring higher than the selected candidate city Rio de Janeiro, because of their proposal to host the Olympics in October, outside the IOC's sporting calendar. Durante le qualificazioni per i cinquemila metri femminili, la neozelandese Nikki Hamblin e la statunitense Abbey D’Agostino sono cadute entrambe. The flame visited more than 300 Brazilian cities, including all 26 state capitals and the Brazilian Federal District. Twenty-seven world records and ninety-one Olympic records were set during the 2016 Summer Olympics. The clothing worn by the volunteers included yellow polo shirts and jackets, beige trousers, white socks, and green trainers, which they collected from the Uniform Distribution and Accreditation Centre. Quanto costano Olimpiadi 2016: il costo reale per il Brasile. I britannici Jack Laugher e Chris Mears, dal trampolino di tre metri, sconfiggendo i cinesi, hanno vinto la prima medaglia d’oro della storia del Regno Unito nel tuffo sincronizzato. The Parade of Flags followed shortly after a choir of 27 children, representing the states of Brazil, sang the Brazilian national anthem. Bulgarian and Russian weightlifters were banned from Rio Olympics for numerous anti-doping violations. Soltanto le OLIMPIADI PER NEYMAR: incredibile SALTERÀ LA COPPA AMERICA ecco perché. [103][104], An outbreak of the mosquito-borne Zika virus in Brazil raised fears regarding its potential impact on athletes and visitors. Rio was announced as the host city at the 121st IOC Session in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 2 October 2009. Leggi. These scheduling practices were influenced primarily by United States broadcast rightsholder NBC, whose substantial rights fees are one of the major sources of revenue for the IOC, who therefore allowed NBC to have influence on event scheduling to maximize U.S. television ratings when possible (on May 7, 2014, NBC agreed to a US$7.75 billion contract extension to air the Olympics through 2032, including US$1.23 billion for Rio 2016),[70][71] as well as the main Brazilian rightsholder Rede Globo. Rio ; Olympic Schedule; Venues ... 8 Brasile 2004 1 Danimarca (Rikke Skov, Henriette Roende Mikkelsen, Mette Vestergaard, Rikke Hoerlykke Joergensen, Camilla Ingemann Thomsen, Karin Oernhoej Mortensen, Lotte Kiaerskou, Trine Jensen, … 12-08-2016 Come ben sapete oggi hanno inizio le olimpiadi in Brasile. The Oxford Olympics Study 2016 estimated the out-turn cost of the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics at US$4.6 billion in 2015-dollars. Rio de Janeiro took a significant lead over Madrid heading into the final round; the lead held and Rio de Janeiro was announced as host of the 2016 Summer Olympics. As well as the Estádio Olímpico João Havelange and Maracanã and in Rio de Janeiro, football matches took place at five venues in the cities of São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Brasília and Manaus. Pubblicato da lullylu in Notizie 22 Agosto 2016. It was also designed to have a three-dimensional form, which designer Fred Gelli claimed made it the first 3D logo in the history of the Olympics. [68], This is currently based on the schedule released on the same day as ticket sales began, 31 March 2015.[69]. About 3.8 million of these tickets were available for BRL 70 or less. [2][3] With 306 sets of medals, the games featured 28 Olympic sports, including rugby sevens and golf, which were added to the Olympic program in 2009. [100], On 5 October 2017, Brazilian Olympic Committee head Carlos Nuzman was arrested amid a money laundering investigation into a $2 million payment that was allegedly made to secure votes for the bid to bring the Olympics to Rio. [124][125] A day before the opening ceremony, 278 athletes were cleared to compete under the Russian flag, while 111 were removed because of doping. L’Indonesia ha vinto il suo primo oro nel badminton; nella finale di doppio misto la coppia formata da Ahmad Tontowi e Liliyana Natsir si è imposta sui malesi. The flame was handed over to the Brazilian organisers in a ceremony at the Panathenaic Stadium in Athens on 27 April. A 15,000 square meter warehouse in Barra da Tijuca was used to assemble and supply the furniture and fittings for the Olympic Village. Alle Olimpiadi di Rio, durante i primi tre giorni di gara sono state assegnate 40 medaglie d’oro e sono già stati battuti sette record del mondo e 16 olimpici. Nella zona ci sono gang di criminali giovanissimi, e nel 2015 ci sono stati cento giorni consecutivi di sparatorie. [32][34], The focus on environmental protection also influenced the implementation of certain Olympic protocols: the Olympic cauldron was designed to be smaller than previous iterations in order to reduce emissions, and used a kinetic sculpture to enhance its appearance in lieu of a larger body of flames. Dal 5 al 21 agosto si tiene a Rio de Janeiro, in Brasile, la trentunesima edizione delle Olimpiadi. The Best On-Air Promotion was announced next, with the BBC Sport winning with NBC coming second this time and Bulgarian National Television finishing third. Nel nuoto Michael Phelps, in finale nei 200 metri a farfalla, è alla ricerca del suo ventesimo oro; anche Federica Pellegrini ha raggiunto la finale nei 200 metri stile libero. [60][61], Kuwait was banned in October 2015 for the second time in five years over government interference in the country's Olympic committee. [120], In December 2014, media attention began growing when German broadcaster ARD reported on state-sponsored doping in Russia, comparing it to doping in East Germany. The United Kingdom Anti-Doping agency later assisted WADA with testing in Russia. Cerca. By early 2016, the scandal had escalated into a full-blown political crisis affecting not only President Rousseff, but also former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, resulting in widespread demonstrations involving millions of protesters,[97] both anti- and pro-Rousseff. [23][24], In May 2017, an Associated Press article disclosed that over 100 athletes who had won medals at the Rio Olympics reported that their medals were showing some damage, including black spots, flaking or surface degrading. Although Rio mayor Eduardo Paes stated that the city may not be able to reach its goal of having 80% of sewage treated,[116] at least 60% of sewage was treated by March 2016, with a projected goal of 65% of sewage being treated by the start of the Olympics. For the Winter Youth Olympics, see, Participating National Olympic Committees, Number of athletes by National Olympic Committee, Venues of the 2016 Summer Olympics and Paralympics, Refugee Olympic Team at the 2016 Summer Olympics, Independent Olympic Athletes at the 2016 Summer Olympics, International Association of Athletics Federations, Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange Convention Center, Chronological summary of the 2016 Summer Olympics, World and Olympic records set at the 2016 Summer Olympics, 2016 Summer Olympics closing ceremony flag bearers, List of 2016 Summer Olympics broadcasters, Concerns and controversies at the 2016 Summer Olympics, widespread demonstrations involving millions of protesters, [ˈʒɔɡuz oˈlĩpikus dʒi veˈɾɐ̃w dʒi ˈdojz ˈmiw i dʒizeˈsejs], "Rio 2016 Summer Olympics – Results and Video Highlights", "Rio Olympics 2016: Opening ceremony celebrates Brazil to open Games", "Why Winter Olympics Bypass the Southern Hemisphere", "The International Olympic Committee (IOC) today released the report of the Evaluation", "Rio 2016™ contrata Renato Ciuchini como Diretor-Executivo Comercial", "An introduction to the Venues at the 2016 Rio Games", "8,400 shuttlecocks, 250 golf carts, 54 boats... the mind-blowing numbers behind the Rio 2016 Games", "Rio Olympics 2016: Brazilian city in a race against time to be ready to play host to the Games", "Introducing Carioca Arena 1… the new home of Olympic basketball", Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016, "Innovative medal design unveiled for Rio 2016", "Rio mystery solved: Why don't Olympic medal winners get flowers? Sempre per l’Italia, alle 21.30 ci sarà la semifinale di pallanuoto maschile contro la Serbia. Nella tredicesima giornata dei giochi olimpici di Rio 2016 si svolgono, tra le altre, la finale dei 400 metri ostacoli maschile, quella di canoa velocità maschile e femminile e, alle cinque di mattina ora italiana, quella del beach volley maschile tra Italia e Brasile. Italian Delegation; The team; Athletes by Region; Ambassadors; Tour; Sponsor ; Sport; Rio 2016. [90] The emblem represents three figures joined at their arms and feet, with the overall shape reflecting that of Sugarloaf Mountain. There were also allegations by the Colorado-based Telluride Foundation that the logo had been plagiarized from its own; while also consisting of several figures linked in motion, the Telluride Foundation logo contains four figures. Inserisci email e password per entrare nella tua area riservata. Perché, allora, è stato riammesso tra le discipline olimpiche, se la sua presenza suscita tanto scetticismo perfino tra i suoi campioni? These sporting events took place at 33 venues in the host city and at five separate venues in the Brazilian cities of São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Brasília, and Manaus. Il 17 agosto il Kenya ha conquistato il suo nono oro consecutivo nei tremila siepi; è dai giochi di Los Angeles del 1984 che lo stato africano domina questa disciplina. [39], The opening ceremony took place at Maracana Stadium on 5 August 2016, directed by Fernando Meirelles, Daniela Thomas, and Andrucha Waddington. Share this event with your friends. Bahrain, Fiji, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kosovo, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Tajikistan, and Vietnam each won their first gold medals, as did the group of Independent Olympic Athletes (from Kuwait). Per Alistair è il secondo oro olimpico, dopo quello di Londra nel 2012. [106], In May 2016, a group of 150 physicians and scientists sent an open letter to the World Health Organization (WHO), calling upon them to, according to co-author Arthur Caplan, have "an open, transparent discussion of the risks of holding the Olympics as planned in Brazil". Volete andare a vedere le gare delle Olimpiadi di Rio ma non avete il biglietto. Le due atlete hanno però deciso di rialzarsi e continuare la gara; aiutandosi a vicenda sono riuscite a tagliare il traguardo. Il campione giamaicano ha annunciato di voler vincere ancora due ori, nei 200 metri e nella staffetta 4 x 100, prima di ritirarsi. The United States topped the medal table, winning the most gold medals (46) and the highest number of medals overall (121); the US team also won its 1,000th Summer Olympic gold medal overall. China finished third in the medal table. They issued a comprehensive technical appraisal for IOC members on 2 September, one month before the elections.[8]. Aldeehani, dopo essere stato più volte portabandiera della sua nazione, il Kuwait, oggi fa parte della squadra olimpica indipendente. [122], In response to these findings, WADA announced that RUSADA should be regarded as non-compliant with respect to the World Anti-Doping Code, and recommended that Russia be banned from competing in the 2016 Summer Olympics. [27] The relay ended in Rio de Janeiro on 5 August when the flame was used to light the Olympic cauldron during the opening ceremony. In turn, Globo sublicensed partial free-to-air rights to Rede Record, along with Rede Bandeirantes. [16], The largest venue at the games in terms of seating capacity was the 74,738-seat Maracanã Stadium, which served as the ceremonies venue and site of the football finals. Chicago was eliminated after the first round of voting, and Tokyo after the second. This practice was also beneficial to Globo; a Brazilian critic noted that the network very rarely preempts its primetime telenovelas, as they are among the highest-rated programs in the country. Il tennistavolista Ma Long ha conquistato il suo primo oro olimpico, contro il connazionale Zhang Jike, confermando la supremazia cinese in questa disciplina. Italian National Olympic Committee. Ultimately, you are communicating with just 115 people and each one has influencers and pressure groups but you are still speaking to no more than about 1,500 people, perhaps 5,000 in the broadest sense. [17], The medals were produced by the Casa da Moeda do Brasil (the Brazilian mint). [65] The IAAF announced that it would allow individual Russian athletes to apply for "exceptional eligibility" to participate in the Games as "neutral" athletes if it was independently verified that they had not engaged in doping nor in the Russian doping program.[66]. In May 2012, the International Sailing Federation announced that windsurfing would be replaced by kitesurfing at the 2016 Olympics,[55] but this decision was reversed in November. [127][128] Unlike the IOC, the International Paralympic Committee voted unanimously to ban the entire Russian team from the 2016 Summer Paralympics, and suspended the Russian Paralympic Committee after it found evidence that the DPM was also in operation at the 2014 Winter Paralympics. A number of events, most notably in aquatics, beach volleyball and track and field, were scheduled with sessions and matches occurring as late as 10:00 p.m. to midnight BRT. P.I. [92], The lead-up to the Rio Games was marked by a number of controversies, including: Brazil's political and economic crisis; the Zika virus epidemic; the significant pollution in the Guanabara Bay; and an ongoing doping scandal involving Russia, which affected the participation of Russian athletes in the Games. Rai - Radiotelevisione Italiana Spa Sede legale: Viale Mazzini, 14 - 00195 Roma Cap. Anche la nuotatrice Federica Pellegrini, che si è qualificata quarta alle finali dei 200 metri stile libero, ha detto che ci sta pensando. The project aimed to redevelop the port area, increasing the city center's attractiveness and enhancing Rio's competitive position in the global economy. Usain Bolt, 29 anni, il 14 agosto ha esordito a Rio vincendo l’oro nei 100 metri, il terzo consecutivo dopo le Olimpiadi di Pechino e Londra. Rio 2016 | Pallanuoto Maschile The Best Olympic Programme was awarded to SporTV/Globosat, while TV Globo and BBC Sport completed the podium. La tennista Serena Williams, numero uno del ranking mondiale e campionessa olimpica in carica, dopo aver perso il doppio femminile in coppia con la sorella, ha perso anche in singolare. The medals feature a wreath design on the front, and in keeping with tradition the obverse features Nike, the Greek goddess of victory. [42] The Games were officially opened by the acting president of Brazil, Michel Temer. [12], Events took place at eighteen existing venues, nine new venues constructed specifically for the Games, and seven temporary venues. [6] The first step for each city was to submit an initial application to the International Olympic Committee by 13 September 2007, confirming their intention to bid. Nella gara di tuffo sincronizzato, le atlete cinesi Chen Ruolin e Lin Huixia hanno conquistato la medaglia d’oro nella piattaforma da 10 metri. [28] Many volunteers gave up their roles due to long working hours and insufficient free meals.