Nel 2003, il passaggio a Bc Partners, fondo di private equity, per il quale lavora a Milano. The Cipriani family has remained in charge of the business, while Mr Cerchione and his co-founder Gianluca D’Avanzo have restructured the group’s debts of more than €6m and cut costs. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. All Rights Reserved, This is a BETA experience. Blue Sky continuerà ad essere gestito dagli attuali manager Salvatore Cerchione e Gianluca D Avanzo. The natural conclusion to draw here is that this case was eventually settled out of court. Despite their involvement in previous large deals, their role in the purchase of AC Milan—a football club which holds enormous political and social influence—was surely Blue Skye's most important project, and Elliott themselves would have found it almost impossible to pull off such a swift and huge acquisition without the help of an intermediary. With this in mind, we now turn our attention back to the Milan case, and Felice Raimondo explains exactly how control of the loan company was passed back to Elliott from Blue Skye. Blu Skye's core service offerings include Strategy Development, Strategy Execution Support, and Organization Development. San Siro. Brick Court Chambers’ Mark Hapgood QC leading Alan Roxburgh and Nicholas Saunders, all of Brick Court, instructed by Signature Litigation partner Graham Huntley. Nello stesso anno della fondazione di Blue Skye in Lussemburgo, nasce in Italia la Beta Skye srl, costituita a Milano e finanziata direttamente dalla holding con sede nel Granducato. Forse i tifosi non lo conoscono bene, ma Gianluca D’Avanzo è uno dei membri del cda rossonero con più esperienza. Ed è rispuntato fuori il nome di Gianluca D’Avanzo assieme a quello di Salvatore Cerchione. CHI È GIANLUCA D’AVANZO – D’Avanzo è stato dunque co-founder e managing partner di Blue Sky Financial PartnerS con Salvatore Cerchione. Salvatore Cerchione is affiliated with Blue Skye Financial Partners SARL, Associazione Calcio Milan SpA Stay informed and up-to-date on your network with RelSci news and business alerting service. In December 2009, the former Milan chief sold 180,000 SOPAFshares for a total value of 20,898 euros, equalling 0.04% of the share capital as well as ex-wife Malika El Hazzazi also sold shares held in the company for a total value of €157,000 around the same time. Io voglio capire perché devono per forza vedere il marcio in Cerchione e D'AVANZO? That loan had used the Inter brand itself as collateral, but Agostinelli – who was also working as Mr. Li’s lawyer – failed to come up with a similar loan for Milan, leaving his client in the hands of Elliott. “Yes, Blue Skye collaborated with Elliott for the purchase of the famous Hotel Bauer in Venice,” Raimondo confirmed. Indeed, Felice Raimondo, the legal analyst and writer—whose 2018 book named Il diavolo è nei dettagli (The Devil is in the Details) explored the minutiae of the AC Milan deal—revealed that Blue Skye was "undoubtedly essential" in terms of helping Elliott to quickly structure a deal that would ultimately see the hedge fund seize control of the club in 2018. Blue Skye is an investment management company and asset manager focused on special opportunity investments. Could a parallel be drawn with those aforementioned accusations from 2012, that Blue Skye organised a deal “to take control and benefit of the assets themselves”? Fondatore della Blue Sky, lavora anche per Louis Vuitton Forse i tifosi non lo conoscono bene, ma Gianluca D’Avanzo è uno dei membri del cda rossonero con più esperienza. I due affaristi napoletani sono co-fondatori della holding lussemburghese Blue Skye, una delle società presente nella rete che controlla il club rossonero, e vantano nel loro curriculum varie esperienze nel mondo della finanza: da Morgan Stanley a Lehman Brothers, fino all’incontro nel fondo d’investimenti D.B. E non è una notizia dell’ultim’ora … “They bought it from the Chinese Yonghong Li, an ultra-transparent operation, checked and verified several times.” Tags AC Milan Adriano Galliani. (Photo by: studio buzzi/Marka/Universal Images ... [+] Group via Getty Images). Founder and Managing Partner. Coronavirus Emergency. © 2021 Forbes Media LLC. Salvatore Cerchione London. Gianluca D'Avanzo is Founder & Managing Partner at Blue Skye Financial Partners SARL. Cerchione e D’Avanzo oltre ad aver creato la Blue Sky nel 2004 sono molto attivi su vari fronti. Zwirn, che così detiene il controllo dell'intero pacchetto azionario della società presente nella rete controllante del Milan. As a partner at law firm G.A.P, Agostinelli had previously worked with Blue Skye over the debt restructuring of Harry’s Bar and again alongside the Neapolitan financiers as well as Elliott over the Bauer Hotel deal in the same city. “In 2016, Blue Skye restructured the debt of the hotel, then in 2017 signed the preliminary purchase agreement with the American fund and in 2019 they completed the operation together.”. Quando a Yonghong Li subentra il fondo Elliott viene istituita la società Project Redblack, partecipata a sua volta da due anonime del Delaware e da un’altra lussemburghese, la Blue Skye di D’Avanzo e Cerchione”. I due fondatori della società Blue Skye hanno avuto un ruolo nella creazione della catena di controllo del club. Zwirn entra anche Salvatore Cerchione (clicca qui per leggere il profilo di Cerchione), altro giovane manager italiano, con cui D’Avanzo fonderà Blue Skye. I loro volti si sono visti poco, ma sulla loro presenza nel consiglio di amministrazione del Milan si è detto e si è scritto in abbondanza. È questo uno dei dati che emerge dall'inchiesta condotta dalla trasmissione Report, che intende far luce non solo sull'effettivo peso di Cerchione e D'Avanzo all'interno della proprietà del Milan, ma anche sulle loro operazioni antecedenti. D’Avanzo: Observations from Sky Blue’s first win. The simple answer is speed. Nel 2001, Cerchione viene nominato vice presidente della banca d'affari Morgan Stanley e dopo quattro anni, passa al fondo d'investimenti statunitense D.B. We have refined methodologies specific for work with single organizations, groups of organizations within one industry, and groups of organizations making up single supply chain systems. They participated with Elliott in … › 2020 › 11 › 14 › blue-skye-cerchione-davanzo-mi… Log in to add your anonymous rating. Cerchione, oltre che consigliere d'amministrazione del Milan e socio in Blue Skye, ricopre cariche all'interno del Cda di Hotel Palladio spa e Cipriani Downtown Ibiza. “Milan belongs 96% to Elliott, the American investment management fund, and the remaining 4% to Blue Skye, the company created by the two Neapolitan financiers who work in the City of London, Salvatore Cerchione and Luca D’Avanzo. Blue Skye Investment Group is a European investment group and merchant capital provider that seeks to generate attractive, risk-adjusted, stable, and uncorrelated returns by opportunistically investing across … Il primo impiego in campo finanziario risale all'anno 2000, tra Milano e Londra per conto di Lehman Brothers. D'Avanzo ci resta fino al 2008, ma i due continueranno a lavorare insieme in Blue Skye, dove tuttora risultano essere managing partner (oltre che co-fondatori di Blue Skye Investment Group). Blue Skye is an investment management company and asset manager focused on special opportunity investments. Drita (pictured left … This blog post confirms that both Fortress and Blue Skye were still locked in a legal dispute until at least September 2014 and at this point the trail runs cold. April 2020. And Blue Skye puts a lot of energy into running its rather unusual hedge fund product. Bud Selig Says Farewell To Henry Aaron. Cerchione fa parte del board di Blue Skye come uomo di riferimento di D.B. Try Switching. Bauer’s chief executive officer Francesca Bortolotto Possati and Blue Skye’s co-founders Salvatore Cerchione and Gianluca D’Avanzo agreed a debt rescheduling and refinancing with issue of bonds pursuant to article 67 of the Italian bankruptcy law. Chi è Gianluca D'Avanzo Cerchione fa parte del board di Blue Skye come uomo di riferimento di D.B. “Elliott themselves shy away from publicity,” the lawyer concluded. Tre anni prima, aveva lavorato come project manager per la Procter & Gamble. Webb-site users rate this organisation as follows: Users Average (0-5) Name history. The company was founded by Neapolitan financiers Salvatore Cerchione and Gianluca D'Avanzo. Mr Cerchione and Mr D'Avanzo are Associates. That allowed them to not only become an integral part of the initial takeover but, while remaining firmly in the shadows, they continue to play a major role in the immediate future of the club. His Grandfather played for Manchester City in the 1930’s, and scored a goal in a famous friendly versus Fiorentina in 1934 with the Italy World Cup squad looking on. in relation (in essence) to the activities of the Blue Skye Fund. Analysis / 3 years ago. I have a great deal of experience of the subject from writing for major UK newspapers, large magazines and a variety of different websites across the world. Alas, Chloe Beresford and lawyer Felice Raimondo have combined to produce a fantastic article for Forbes which discusses the entire situation at length, including background on Blue Skye. Dal suo curriculum, D'Avanzo risulta essere presente nel consiglio di amministrazione di Hotel Palladio spa e Domec spa. gabriella cerchione - the dower house 108 high street, berkhamsted mario cerchione - haigh cote barn wainstalls, halifax mario cerchione - 2nd floor brian royd mills saddleworth road greetland, halifax mario cerchione - 16 chapel lane salterhebble, halifax Between 15 August 2005 and 16 August 2005, Galliani acquired additional shares for a total value of 9,960 euros. It revealed that the claimant alleged that Blue Skye, acting as an English limited partnership in this case “designed and implemented a dishonest scheme to reorganise the fund and its assets, the purpose and effect of which was to diminish or eliminate the rights and interests of the partners of the fund in relation to the assets, to take control and benefit of the assets themselves and to enable them to extract fees and other value from the assets.”, Blue Skye applied to the court for a stay of the case, yet this was denied and The Lawyer went on to describe the subsequent trial in 2014 as of the “top cases” of that year. Why did a powerful firm like Elliott need another company to facilitate the loan? Italian TV channel RAI 3 made an investigative programme alongside reporter Luca Chianca which looked into the ties between Blue Skye founders Cerchione and D’Avanzo and Galliani, Silvio Berlusconi’s long-time right-hand man at Milan.